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Rev 3 Sticker Set


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After months of waiting I have got myself an 04 Rev 3. I Would like to put new sticker set on but can't find them on internet so far. Does anyone know where to get them for the best price to assist me in my search? I could also do with some of the clear stuff to put over the ones that get rubbed by your boots and protect the frame a little. I know I will scratch, scrape and damage them but it will look the part for a little while at least!


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Most motocross dealers do clear thick vinyl sheets, try Race Spec uk, look under graphics. Before you fit it, stick it in the airing cupboard for a while so that it becomes pliable and it will make it easier to apply and the glue will take better.

Also clean off the area you are going to apply it too with lighter fluid to remove any grease from the surface, even if it looks clean.

Try not to touch any of the sticky suface with your fingers or it will leave a fingerprint in the glue that will stay visible after application.

Don't know about the Repsol stickers supplier but see above for application.

Anyone of a certain age will remember a gluey finger mark on the inside/outside of your Airfix Spitfire canopy unless surgical levels of preparation were taken.

Hope this helps

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Your BETA dealer should be able to get any year set of stickers. I put '06 stickers on my '04 REV 3.

Just the tank sticker with the bigger BETA. Not trying to make my '04 look like an '06 but different!

Edited by trialsmm
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