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Dvd Help!

brian r

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I want to make a DVD. I've used Windows Movie Maker to make a couple of shorts with pictures of the kiddies and music. I now need to burn the movies to a DVD that their grandparets can watch on a stand alone DVD player.

I have a DVD burner in my laptop but the software doesn't allow me to burn a DVD for a DVD player (THANKS DELL!). How's that for STUPID!

Any one have suggestions?


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Thanks Vin,

I looked around yesterday and got a recommendation for DVD Santa.

I ordered it this morning as a download. It seems to work good. Nothing fancy, and that's what I wanted.

I just thought it was stupid for a DVD burner to come with the lap top with no software to burn DVD's.

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Brian, I hate to break it to you, but you really should have bought a Mac if you intend to make movies and DVDs. The free, included software is virtually flawless and is in a completely different league from the equivalent Windows programs.

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dont belive a word of it... MACs are the worst for problems with dvds UNLESS you really know what you are doing which is also true with pc's but there is a lot more software around for fixing dvds for the pc. Its all in the software that you use and the disks also the dvd players that it will be played on. Most people that create dvds on mac's then bring them to us are supprised when they dont play on our equipment and start blaming are stuff which works 100% DVDs are a funny business and cause many a headache for me.

sorry for the little rant but it had to be said.

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