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alan bechard

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Ok Norm,

I mighta jumped ya a little hard for that one. I got defensive when I thought you were sayin' he just got lucky. Sorry.


I agree, minus the Alpina thing. But I didn't notice any luck. I saw preparation, skills, and a great attitude.


In answer to your question... Yup. We can do better. In an obscure, specialized, and struggling sport like Trials, yea, we can and should be different. We should respect our Champions. Our Champions should respect our Champions.


After watching you on this forum pummel the NATC and our Ten Time National Champ over the years, all the while claiming to want Trials to grow, I find your arguments and opinions rife with contradictions. The circles that you argue in, begin and end with you being the Trials hero of the day. It begs the question... Do you respect our sport and our champions?

Geez, if this keeps up I'm gonna hit a hundred posts.

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That is a clear and lucid statement.

But he was lucky,

He was prepared,

and he capatilized on an oppourtunity.

I don't think he was just lucky. I WOULD like to see him on a slightly different bike. In the main when he was going against the real tallent, I thought he looked smooth but needed to be able to corner faster (maybe a seat?) Accellerate a little faster( scorpa 2stroke with YZ250 power valve combo motor) . Wouldn't it be cool to build him a bike to try it on next year?! One that he would still be comfortable on but with some features to give him a little edge.

And Lane does argue both sides in the same post sometimes!

Sounds sane to me.

Has his ranting changed anything?

I don't see how you've kept it under 100 posts! :blush:

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Lane, every now and then I think to myself,,,

Now Alan, that Lane guy is not really as bad as you think................

Then you post and remove all doubt...

nailed it there Al, now what was that word CT likes to use...............rhymes with pole.

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Alan, I had to reread all the posts about three times to find Lanes offensive remark. c'mon that wasn't that bad. Surely he has said something truly offensive.

Are you getting soft? Or maybe a little jumpy..I know its been a while since you've seen "sugar daddy". :blush:

I saw a picture somewhere on here.........


Edited by paul_thistle
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Alan and North Yorkie, I have no idea what your reading in to my posts??????????? Is it wrong to stick up for Mom when she intended NO harm or is it horrible to have the opinion that a world championship is more important than a national title??????? If someone like Patrick has the oppertunity to do both and must make a choice between one or the other! Why do you think that everything must have a negative slant?

I really don't understand what you two guys are hinting at? Why does every comment have to be negative in your eyes? Perhaps if you two looked for the good insted of the evil in everything, you might not jump to conclusions so fast. That's exactly what sendero did, saw evil in an innocent comment by mom, reading into it negative insted of positive outlooks!

Face it, some see the glass half empty, some see the glass half full!

Edited by Mich Lin
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Ya know, I haven't been on the board long enough to know who everyone is. And if I did know their real name it probably would register "o". So I don't always know who's posts lane is talking about. And if he misspells or calls someone by a diferent name........reckon he might be doin it to "Poke" at them? Bush sen used to do that with saad-daam whosane. Which when pronounced that way was an insult.

And if not he has a bad memory and forgot how to spell. Which I believe he said he could'nt do anyway.

Any vessel at 50% capacity should be imagined as beer. Always a blessing if you didn't have to get up and get it! :chairfall:

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Lane, I guess you missed it when someone explained a small error.

It's not Mom, it's Norm. Noel Smage. Pat's father, not his mother.

Not the Momma, not the Momma.

Hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Edited by Brian R
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Geeez, my mistake, guess I need stronger glasses, sorry Norm! Hey everybody makes mistakes otherwise we would not have taken the apple from the snake in the garden of Eden, screwing up a great deal we had going.

Sad though, I thought that it was Patrick's mom and we actually had a woman on the board. Guess it really is just an old boys club after all.

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