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Kll Switch 07 270


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Just received my 270 and the new kill switch broke kicked and kicked I thought it was flooded then all the sudden it started rode to the next section. used the kill button walked the section went back to the bike and same thing unplugged handlebar wires and started right up. haven't done a ohms test yet but the switch is bad anyone else experance this?

I have another issue this being my 3rd beta 97 techno, 05 270 and now the 07 how do I fix the carb from over flowing? this bikes the worse.

thank you

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ohno, all Beta's pretty much overflow fuel. The answer is get the dealer to do the mod to it and it will be better, not perfect but better. Buy an after market kill switch the beta ones are *****, play up at the first signs of dirt.

Good luck with the bike, watch out for lots of bolts coming loose though

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Is the mod. a kit or is it an adjustment to the float level? boy are you right about loose bolts. So dirt is getting in the switch I wonder if I cleaned the connectors and sealed them if this would fix the problem? I'll let you know so we can try and keep the bikes looking stock.

Thanks again

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Bin the kill switch mate, no amount of sealing and cleaning will make it work better, been there and got the T shirt.

The carb mod needs new float settings,drilling of carb body and praying to stop it leaking, the dealer will know how to do it easily. It will still leak abit but not pour, fit a 6-8 inch pipe on the overflow at the bottom of the carb and direct it under the swingarm or better still loop it up above the floats and back down. Dont leave the bike pointing downhill at any stage even slightly whilst stopped or it will mean 20 kicks to get it going and never leave the fuel tap on overnight.

Keep a good eye on the rear disc bolts, they come loose easy and can do some serious damage if one comes out.

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Bin the kill switch mate, no amount of sealing and cleaning will make it work better, been there and got the T shirt.

The carb mod needs new float settings,drilling of carb body and praying to stop it leaking, the dealer will know how to do it easily. It will still leak abit but not pour, fit a 6-8 inch pipe on the overflow at the bottom of the carb and direct it under the swingarm or better still loop it up above the floats and back down. Dont leave the bike pointing downhill at any stage even slightly whilst stopped or it will mean 20 kicks to get it going and never leave the fuel tap on overnight.

Keep a good eye on the rear disc bolts, they come loose easy and can do some serious damage if one comes out.

I wish the bloody rear sprocket bolts would come undone so easy! but keep an eye on the top shock mount bolt and the frame strut bolts too these are my worst ones

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My son picked up his 07 270 Beta yesterday and at first glance she looks stunning......... however a few things have caught my eye:

The plastic inserts either side of the fuel tank are really lose and I doubt will last a trial.

One of the footpeg springs was broken.

The front light flickers on and off doing figure eights.

The RH bolt on the lower radiator is hard up againts the exhaust.

Quite a few bubbles on the graffics.

Don't get me wrong its a great bike and my son reakons its a much improved machine over his 03 270, on all his practice rocks, logs etc: the 07 out performs the 03,

Thanks for the advice on the kill switch I will get an after market jobbie asap!!!

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My son picked up his 07 270 Beta yesterday and at first glance she looks stunning......... however a few things have caught my eye:

The plastic inserts either side of the fuel tank are really lose and I doubt will last a trial.

One of the footpeg springs was broken.

The front light flickers on and off doing figure eights.

The RH bolt on the lower radiator is hard up againts the exhaust.

Quite a few bubbles on the graffics.

Don't get me wrong its a great bike and my son reakons its a much improved machine over his 03 270, on all his practice rocks, logs etc: the 07 out performs the 03,

Thanks for the advice on the kill switch I will get an after market jobbie asap!!!

I noticed that the light flickers on and off when doing tight turns on my 06 beta.

I took the back of the light assembly to bits and it was a right bodge.

So i bought myself one of these and rewired the light up. (it was about

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Bin the kill switch mate, no amount of sealing and cleaning will make it work better, been there and got the T shirt.

The carb mod needs new float settings,drilling of carb body and praying to stop it leaking, the dealer will know how to do it easily. It will still leak abit but not pour, fit a 6-8 inch pipe on the overflow at the bottom of the carb and direct it under the swingarm or better still loop it up above the floats and back down. Dont leave the bike pointing downhill at any stage even slightly whilst stopped or it will mean 20 kicks to get it going and never leave the fuel tap on overnight.

Keep a good eye on the rear disc bolts, they come loose easy and can do some serious damage if one comes out.

I wish the bloody rear sprocket bolts would come undone so easy! but keep an eye on the top shock mount bolt and the frame strut bolts too these are my worst ones

If you pour boiling water on the sprocket bolt nuts this softens up

the threadlock and they will come out more easily!

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