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Atf Or Mtf - That Is The Question...


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OK - my Rev-3 was delivered from previous owner with the clutch / tranny filled with ATF. I switched over to Torco MTF because Ron Commo suggested switching to some type of motorcycle transmission fluid.

The Torco MTF seems thicker than ATF and my clutch definitely drags - a little even when its hot (I've bled the clutch, it also has a rebuilt clutch master cylinder on it...). Logic leads me to think that ATF would make the clutch drag less because its lighter or thinner than the MTF.

Who uses what, which works better, should I switch back to ATF, if so, what brand?

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I`m going to try ATF in my 98 Techno.

Tried cleaning the plates and fibres and changing the oil numerous times.

Its a little better ,but just need to find out for myself if the ATF works .Its quite a bit cheaper than the

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I have used ATF type F in all my Revs, 00,01,02,03, and was very happy with the way my clutch works. Never a problem, and I use the clutch hard.

In talking to the Comos, US importer, they said I really should use a 75/85 like the factor calls for. Now I use Ipone and seems to work fine.

The only reason I was told to not use the ATF is do to the fact that with the tight tollorances of the Rev motor the you need the thicker oil to create the proper spacing with all the internals. Motor life can be compermised with ATF.

The Ipone is more expensive than the ATF but if you are planning on keeping the bike for a while maybe it is cheaper in the long run.


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Gentlemen ! Beware using the wrong kind of oil in your tranny, as this can cause the fiber plates to detach from the metal.

Most Manufacturers now say to use a light 5w 30 - in the Trials bikes.

While there is a wide choice in MC oil, you should definately use one of these rather than any ATF, and be sure to change it often.

We use OPTI 4 - 5w-30 in all the Beta - Sherco & Gas Gas Trials bikes available in North America at Motorcycle or Lawn & Garden outlets.

If you have difficulty obtaining this, you can contact me via email

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AMiller - you say you're using Ipone now, how's that working for you - I would guess that you still have some drag on the clutch, probably more than you had with the ATF.

I doubt that motor life would be compromised using ATF - there's nothing other than the transmission and shifting internals that are lubed by the tranny / clutch oil - the main bearings are fed by your premix.

Thinner oil should work better because it has less 'stiction' than a thicker oil.

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I've used ATF in all my bikes for many years now (2 strokes) and never had any problems. I've even taken the transmission down for close inspection for wear...nothing. GasGas actually recommends ATF in the Pros.

The lubrication properties of ATF is very well suited to transmissions and clutches, particularly the Type F variety with friction modifiers that can help with some bikes clutches that are adversely effected by some of the more slippery ATFs (clutch slippage).

If your looking for guarantees that it will not negatively effect your clutch plates?...best stick to manufacturer's recommendation specifically.

I personally feel much better using ATF in mine, as it's cheap and I can change it frequently. I change mine every second ride. Clean fluid is as important (more IMO) as high $ oils, particularly to clutches.

Moral of the story is to change fluid regularly, no matter what you choose to use.

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JT - Gas Gas only recommended ATF on the 02' Pro when they had problems with the fibre plates swelling. - They now use 5w-30. - the ATF has a low acidity number (7) which stopped the plates from swelling up - at least that is the story I got. - The reason I mentioned the Opti 4 - is that I checked this out with the Manufacturer, because we had used this in the 2002 Pro, with absolutely no problems. ( I also sell it) :lol:

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