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Left Fork Leg?


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Changing my fork seals on my 2003 Mont. The left leg, to put the bolt back in the bottom of the leg she spins, the manuel says I need a special tool to tighten that bolt? My friend said there is a trick to do it with out the special tool, he can not remember.

Anyone know this trick?

sam :beer:

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Well Zippy, I'm feeling foolish for asking such a silly question here on this world wide forum! :unsure:

I'm a helpless person when it comes to mechanical stuff, well life in general actually.

Yes, I believe I figured it out!

Off topic: I rode Sunday with your fearless trials team leader at Ray's famous indoor MTB park(http://www.raysmtb.com/).

That Biff is a courages person, he was jumping a 12' box jump on a XC bike! We rode 4 solid hours, the place is a blast, I shot some footage of him jumping in the foam pit. You will have to come along the next time we go, very few kids, most people 25 yrs and older and some cute ladies riding as well.

sam :beer:

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I thank you for the invitation and I will honestly consider it. Not sure with work money whine blah blah....

Anyway that place looks awesome and alot of fun. I am not on a bicycle much so I don't know if I could ride for 4 hours let alone 1 hour. I got a 20" BMX but the brakes are crap!!

I would love to see the footage of Biff jumping into the foam. That dude has no fear. If he thinks he can survive it, he will try anything you put in front of him.

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