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Run A Marathon? Are You Joking?!


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Alongside my trials riding I also do a bit of running... but not that much... and I have certainly never run a marathon!

My mate Adrian knew a little girl who died in September from Neuroblastoma - an aggressive kiddie cancer.

Cancer has also done it's worst in my family, so between us we decided that it was time we did something about it.

We have secured lots of publicity and corporate sponsorship as you can see on our website:


Please ensure you put your kids out of sight before you read Abbie's page.

You will note that we are both dedicated and passionate about the cause.

If you find our cause important, please consider sponsoring us via the JustGiving link from our website.

Thanks for reading,



Edited by lordlanky
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Respect to both of you and your families :beer:

Being a trials rider though, you must do 4 laps.... :unsure:

I had a Nephew aged 7 who died of Leukaemia, Birmingham Childrens Hospital was our second home. I wish you both well, and hopefully one day they will find a cure for this terrible illness.

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