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Cleaning Chain


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What is the best stuff to clean a chain in? Am using Castrol Chain Wax at the mo which seems to make everything in the land stick to it so need to get rid of it all. The Castrol stuff also looks a bit s**t as it dries white :angry: . Looked through topic that discussed using WD40 but it drifted onto chains snapping and no conclusion was made to say if WD40 was as good as chain oil / wax or not.

Anyhow I am drifting off topic now :D , I know some people use petrol to clean chains but wondered if there was any wonder product that got them really clean, like muck off for chains?? :D

Edited by Jetset
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I have used WD40 for ages now, works really well, not much sticks to it and the chain keeps much cleaner. It is also easier to clean after washing the bike, most of the muck comes off when washed and any oil that wont gets a quick brush with Gunk and hosed off. Chain always looks like new :D the posts about chains snapping are about the Iris types which seem to be snapping even from new. Fit a renthal and forget about it untill you eventually run out of adjustment.

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