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Silent Trials Riders ......


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After reading through TC forums, there is only a handful of people who regularly reply to posts and it seems to be the same old names (not that i'm complaining :D, these forums contain some of the best advise available ... anywhere ). But how do we get even more people to interact within the forums ..... We need opinions from observers, trials organisers and novice to expert riders .The forums dont move quick enough to justify login in every night at the moment and i for one look forward to reading updated posts.

I dont know if it's just me ... but more and more spectators seem to be turning up at local event's ... as if the sport is beginning to generate more public interest. I know a lot of young lads are now coming through from bicycle trials and maybe thats what is making the sport more appealing ?

Trials is on the up and up gents ... lets all do our bit to raise the profile of the sport. First job - Become a TC supporter and share your experiences and thoughts in the forums.


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Good Topic,

Isn't this indicative of trials folk in general or life really, there are very few who are movers and shakers, a few more willing to put out to get things done but in general most are happy to sit back and let others get on with it.

How many individuals take the time to lay out a trial, join a club comittee, do route marking, observe, offer to contribute. Same thing on here how many lurkers are there, I know my old man reads the boards, won't comment but he does his bit for the local club. He feels he contributes.

Another preventative things is confidence. How many of the people who are Site Supporters (not enough yet stump up punters, it's the best 10 quid you'll spend all year...advertising on the boards, yeah i know but it's in a good cause :banana2: ) or just forum members don't actually have the confidence to put their convictions or advice into "print".

These boards are superb source of information, advice, banter etc more contributions more of the same.

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Fair points,,,and Im not trying to make excuses for any laziness :banana2: but, (obviously) some people unfortunately just DONT have the time??..I for one will observe, and usually do observe a couple of times a year, but to be honest its only really when its an event I cant ride...ie a classic event or something...coz Sunday is usually my only free day...and on my free day I wanna Ride!!!!!....yep..I know..as my mum always used to say..i'm very selfish!

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This is like self fulfilling prophecy as the replies so far are from people who post on a regular basis. Would be good to get someone new to reply.

YUP!!!!! we'll always be first to respond, it's natural. We spend half our lives in here. Andy is probably right Rappers will get a few more fingers typing!!

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But it will always be the same 'die hards' who appear time after time.

Every club/sport/activity has the same thing.

A core of hard working regulars who prompt/encourage/bribe/shame/lead the other members into doing their bit to hopefully keep the activity going.

That's just how it is.

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This is a good one it could run for a while, if "THEY " come out of the woodwork. When the ones who do the

working parties are out do you find like me the same old same old out there and at setting out time. :banana2:

They think they are doing the club a favour by joining but after paying to join thats it THEY think they have done their bit ?????? HEREFORDSHIRE CLASSIC TRIALS CLUB. TREASURER. OFTEN OBSERVING. And listening to whinging people about "MONO'S. (Rant ober)

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This is a good one it could run for a while, if "THEY " come out of the woodwork. When the ones who do the

working parties are out do you find like me the same old same old out there and at setting out time. :banana2:

They think they are doing the club a favour by joining but after paying to join thats it THEY think they have done their bit ?????? HEREFORDSHIRE CLASSIC TRIALS CLUB. TREASURER. OFTEN OBSERVING. And listening to whinging people about "MONO'S. (Rant ober)

Here's another one while we're on the subject.

Spend three evenings cutting out sections.

All day Saturday marking out.

Put on four routes, all marked from the begins cards to the ends cards (hell of a lot of staples, but easy for riders to follow)

Only to be told.... "The B route is too hard and the C route is too easy. What you need is something in between the two!" Aaaaargh :D

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Good topic, if your perhaps looking for a point of view from a novice then i can help.

Im new to Trials but not trials bikes, new to this forum but not forums in general, i'll explain.

Many years ago my mates had trials bikes TL's Beamish Cotas etc, i had an old Greeves Scottish horrible villiers engine went much beter when i put an XL125 motor in it, I never competed but enjoyed going along and loved playing around on the bikes, it was always something i fancied doing and 20 odd years later i now have the time and money.

Got serous about doing trials in Aug last year I now own a TY 175 and a 250 Sherco, i found this site by accident and liked it so ive stayed around, im on here most nights but just reading and the occasional post, so far competed in 3 trials so im about as novice as you can get. I dont feel theres much i can contribute to this site other than reading posts and asking simple questions that most people on here asked many years ago, i suppose most novices feel the same way.

2 of my mates have also just bought bikes we have all got into this together and i know both of them read this forum regular but never post.

If anyone want a novices opinion on something then i'll reply but other than that theres not a lot i can post.

Having used many other forums its the same thing where ever you go, a die hard handfull of posters and a few chipping in now and then, the one thing i will say is this is one of the better run forums that i've used and after 10yrs on the net thats a fair few.

Andy runs it well and fairly and it doesnt seen to attract the idiots that ruin so many other forums.

Other than that i cant say anything else, hope this answers the original question.


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I know from talking to people that it's the very fact that it seems to be the same people posting and replying a lot of the time (not so much in the bike-forums but elsewhere) that puts people off a bit - it can come across as a bit clique-y sometimes. This is completely inevitable of course: It affects just about every high-traffic community site that I visit reguarly but I think some of the longer-standing members could do with turning down the snark and sarcasm a bit sometimes. That would help.

There's also a problem with discussions going way off-topic and turning into casual chat that would be better conducted via email or IM or something but again, the moderators can't be omnipresent and to a large extent it's down to the members themselves to ensure this doesn't happen on a regular basis. Some thread pruning would be useful on occasion though, if just to press the point home.

I don't think this even qualifies as criticism (and if it does, it's intended to be constructive) - I'm just trying to offer suggestions why there are far more members than regular posters :banana2:

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A Newbie forum would'nt go a miss in my view.

There's a lot of new blood or people who parked there bike's up 30 year's ago and now coming back into trial's that probaly don't know much about trial's so they hav'nt got the knowledge there to reply to post's, apart from asking question's about there bike's which most of us have seen on here before.If you type in the wrong view in the forum's it can be like a lamb to the slaughter if your not used to the other user's reply's if they don't agree with you.I just love to be a lamb so it don't bother me.lol. .In a newbie forum they can get through the door grow together and then progress from there.

Edited by bilco
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As an absolute novice I have found this Forum to be very helpfull and any advice requested has been given with good grace and patience. This has also been the case on the Trials I have been to watch.

I have been involved with Special Stage Rallying for over 20 years and am looking to get my Son aged 6 into motorsport and see Trials as the perfect start.

This Forum is spot on as it is and I would hate to see it degenerate into the slanging match that other Forums I use seem to have done. (Rallying is a Bitchy Sport)

A Novice Thread would be an interesting thought as it may give us newbies an avenue to ask the questions that most of you good folk take for granted and I for one have held back from replying to a couple of interesting chats due to inexperiance.

Keep up the good work :banana2:

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