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Your First Trials Event


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Since I have been busy building yet another Hodaka trials bike, I am thinking a bit lately about my first trials event. It was spring of 1972 and I was an awkward 13 year old. I had just recently gotten my first trials bike, a 1964 Hodaka Ace 90 trials special, which had been built by Whitey Hartman. Though I had been riding my little Honda mini Trail 50 for about one year, I had never ridden any sort of trials bike.

The lowly Hodaka had been in the hands of at least two owners since my Uncle Whitey had built a trials bike out of it, and it was quite a bit worse off by the time I ended up with it. The poor thing had a badly bent frame and seemed to leak oil and goo from just about everywhere. When it ran, it ran very badly, fouling spark plugs at an amazing rate. I pushed it more than I rode it those first few weeks of ownership, yet I was as proud as anyone could be to finally have my own "real" motorcycle.

The first trial for me and the poor tired old Hodaka was a local club event in Northeastern Washington state, near the city of Colville. There were probably about 12 riders, most of which were novices who really had no idea what trials were. The better riders rode Jawa machines which although very ugly, were super trials machines to ride. Very good running engines with loads of torque and lots of flywheel effect.

One of the more memorable moments of this trial was the mud bog section out back of the property, which used to be a common thing back then. Basically it was about one foot deep at the edge and got deeper fast if you ventured away from the edge. I tried to gain as much momentum as possible while staying close to the edge of the mudhole, but it was just too deep to go forward. The last thing I remember was the mud swallowing my motorcycle until all that was showing was the right hand throttle and front brake lever sticking out of the black mud. Despite my wanting to appear tough and all, the first thing I did was break out crying. I was so upset because I thought my wonderful bike which I had dreamed about for years was history, and I was a sensitive thoughtful child. It took me several minutes to regain my composure and set about dragging it to the grassy edge of the swamp. Much to my amazement, it started up with very little fuss, and I even finished the event. At the bottom of a huge box full of old trophies, I still have the award for second place expert. :banana2:

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Well it wasnt my first event but, I was about 10 years old and riding a loop on my TY80. In the middle of the woods. My bike kept breaking down. I started to get scared beacuse I would hear noises in the woods. Finally got my bike going and a branch hit my goggles and knocked then down over my neck. I thought it was a snake, a really big snake. I through my bike down and yanked the on the snake only to find out it was my goggles. (same affect as waking up to an ugly lady). It is amazing where 10 year old mind will go.

Now my favorite story. Riding the loop at a Donner Trial. Grateful Dead Concert going on at the next mountain. I pull on to a main road and there is a Hippie Chick walking up the road with no TOP. I then realized I was at the wrong gig. I now have a new respect for Hippie Chicks :banana2:

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Started out about 40f and rain in the morning at Muenster. The rain kept coming!

Then it turned into a slop fest! (Those who attended the Texas National a couple of years ago know what a SLOP FEST is!)

The "waterproof" jacket was soaked, dripping underwear down the legs and into the boots!

Made it through the morning event, shivering and soaked, then, GO Observe section three for the PM riders!

Hypothermia set in by the end of the day standing in the woods in the rain!

Can you please help me load this 300lbs of mud onto the trailer I asked? I can't move too well!(spousal unit sitting in truck with heat and dry)!

Sure, one fellow said, did you have a good time he asked!

I replied " I will feel much better if you will attach your 4WD and help me get the truck out now!"

Only took a couple of guys to help get things rolling in the muck!

Once on the road home(2hr drive) I was falling asleep from exhaustion, had spousal unit drive to car wash. The water was WARM, felt GOOD! Stripped naked to the undies to dry off in the truck, warm up, and head home.

What a day! Still raining!

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Hmmm,,, first event, with me actually driving, 72,73 or 74? Little Grand Canyon, Brooksville Florida,,, Honda SL70 looking longingly at the kids with the "trick" XR 75's I think that were "modified" for trials. I think we did some parking lot deals and a Bike Rodeo complete with Teeter totter and big cable reel before that. That's Hazy...

Remember being at Louis Petrose's place in I think it was NC, about 8 years old, SL70, up in the mountains, following dad, had to cross a log in the dirt road and high centered on it. Could not get it off, Dad screaming at me, started to cry and remember him saying if I was going to act like a baby he was just going to leave me there.........

And yep, those of you that know my dad can attest, he then got on his bike and left....

Still remember that and hope I never give my kids that feeling.

Favorite story.... Man, there are too many, but some will relate to this.

Caroline Patrick,,,, What a lady, well it was 86 or so, I am in Croom for the FIS event, we are both at the campground, and as 19 year old or so boys will do I really wanted to be impressive. Just having showered wearing shorts, those shower shoes with the little things between the toes, and a towel draped around myself I am going to REALLY impress the Lovely Ms. Caroline.... Ride up to her on my TY350 and pull this great near vertical nose wheelie right at her feet..... man, I am styling,,, did I mention I was wearing shower shoes???? So the little thing pops out of the sole of the shower shoes, and my feet slide straight down to the ground, I pile up in a big heap in the sand at Carolines feet and she has too pull the bike off from me............... I am covered in that Florida sand...

Yep, I was impressive........

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Not my first trial but out with my old man playing, years before I had a bike but I got a shot of his shiny new 340 Bultaco, (blue and white first of the proper bash plates, thing scared the cr@p out of me) anyway I was plootering about on this thing and I ran it into a fence....nearly 30 years ago, I still get ragged about it :banana2:

and I guess it's about to get worse...... :D

Edited by Slapshot 3
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"And yep, those of you that know my dad can attest, he then got on his bike and left....

Still remember that and hope I never give my kids that feeling."

Alan, this is what makes you such a great dad!

"I am going to REALLY impress the Lovely Ms. Caroline.... Ride up to her on my TY350 and pull this great near vertical nose wheelie right at her feet....."

I think it must be dangerous to be a good looking woman at a trial. Great stories all of you and I cannot wait to hear some more

Clive I'm surprised you found the strength to leave the Grateful Dead concert. Hippie chicks rule. :banana2:

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My first trial, Feb. 2000 at Frank Raines Park. It was a rainy wet slop fest. Each class rode around in a group which made it easier for a first timer. My '97 Beta that my wife got me for Christmas (so I would stop racing cars) didn't have very good brakes and when wet pretty much didn't work so now I know how vintage guys feel. At the trial nothing that exciting other than I had a couple of crashes that seemed to happen for no reason.

The only other thing is I like to think that was the night that my Daughter was conceived, I don't know if it was or not but it happened some time that Feb. and I had fun doing two things that day :banana2:

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Certainly not my first event. More recent than I care to admit... Mid-Michigan, late summer, humid & hot. Rushing to get dressed for the trial I put my leathers on right over my heavy cotton skivvies.(big mistake!) After 1st loop I was drenched in sweat & my a*$ was chapped beyond belief. Rode straight to the pits standing stiff as a board to avoid any pain inducing movement between the two half moons of my hind section.

Desperately rummaged through my buddies van hoping to find a first aid kit with some kind of pain relieving ointment... found it! Burn cream. I grabbed a handfull of the packets and headed for the port-a-potty. Not a soul was around when I locked that door.

With great anticipation I tore open a couple packets and applied liberally... aahhh, cool relief! uh, wait a minute, aaahhhooucchh! Burning, burning, burning! Cold shivvers ran up my spine. My voice instantly became that of a whimpering little girl as the pain increased. Thinking no one was around I continued my pathetic whimpering as I waited out the pain...

Finally, the ordeal was over. I could start the next loop and nobody would be the wiser. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door to find a nice young woman standing there with a look of terror on her face! I can only imagine what she thought I was doing in there, but I did not stick around to find out!

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Gaby Posted Feb 4 2007, 12:27 PM

Certainly not my first event. More recent than I care to admit... Mid-Michigan, late summer, humid & hot. Rushing to get dressed for the trial I put my leathers on right over my heavy cotton skivvies.(big mistake!) After 1st loop I was drenched in sweat & my a*$ was chapped beyond belief. Rode straight to the pits standing stiff as a board to avoid any pain inducing movement between the two half moons of my hind section.

Desperately rummaged through my buddies van hoping to find a first aid kit with some kind of pain relieving ointment... found it! Burn cream. I grabbed a handfull of the packets and headed for the port-a-potty. Not a soul was around when I locked that door.

With great anticipation I tore open a couple packets and applied liberally... aahhh, cool relief! uh, wait a minute, aaahhhooucchh! Burning, burning, burning! Cold shivvers ran up my spine. My voice instantly became that of a whimpering little girl as the pain increased. Thinking no one was around I continued my pathetic whimpering as I waited out the pain...

Finally, the ordeal was over. I could start the next loop and nobody would be the wiser. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door to find a nice young woman standing there with a look of terror on her face! I can only imagine what she thought I was doing in there, but I did not stick around to find out!


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That's so funny! Reminds me of a similar story. Two years ago some of our readers may recall that I had a mishap while racing vintage motocross at Port Angeles Washington, breaking my left foot bones in multiple places. After partaking in two donated vicodin pain pills, I was placed in the back out our van and left to ride in relative comfort with an ice bag on my foot, for about 5 hours ride back home to Portland. Luckily my good friend and fellow vintage racer, the young lad, Jubal Brown was with us on this trip and he drove us home with smooth confident driving skill, which was nice as in the condition I was in I sure didn't need to be agitated by wild scary driving.

After several hours time we needed to stop for gas, dinner and a bathroom break. I was in pretty bad shape and my foot was swelled up very badly, but boy did I need to go to the bathroom! We spotted a McDonalds restaurant adjacent to the gas station, so after fueling up the van, we parked at the "mickey D's" and my wife and Jubal helped me to hop into the resaurant. Jubal helped me to hop with some urgency into the bathroom, where I stood on my good leg at the urinal and relieved myself, I could not help but groan very loudly with relief, but it was hard to stay standing and I nearly fell over, so Jubal grabbed me to prevent a fall and said, "You okay there big guy?" Just at that exact moment a mexican fellow came into the bathroom and caught us in a sort of embace while my pants were partway down. He spun on his heels and retreated with a horrified expression, and I wanted to yell to his retreating back, that "We're not gay!", but it was pointless. He was long gone, and he probably didn't habla the ingles anyway. :guinness:

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