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So ''Rappers" has arrived and may I say welcome, and look forward to reading your weekly slot.

The debate about the tough one has been talked about, but it was good to hear Mike's view, I did not go and I did say I couldn't really see the point in a previous post, but it did make me wonder how many Trials Riders did actually go out of their way to watch it?

Maybe off the topic of Trials Mike could have mentioned the outstanding victory of ENGLAND v SCOTLAND in the Rugby, but he might have upset Andy and his weekly slot might have turned into...........................

one week only........ :guinness:

Well done Mike

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So ''Rappers" has arrived and may I say welcome, and look forward to reading your weekly slot.

The debate about the tough one has been talked about, but it was good to hear Mike's view, I did not go and I did say I couldn't really see the point in a previous post, but it did make me wonder how many Trials Riders did actually go out of their way to watch it?


It's nice to see Mike on here. A mate of mine went to the Tough One for the Enduro but after watching the Speed Trial he's keen for a crack at trials as well. Maybe that's a benefit of the tough one.

Maybe off the topic of Trials Mike could have mentioned the outstanding victory of ENGLAND v SCOTLAND in the Rugby, but he might have upset Andy and his weekly slot might have turned into...........................

What do English Rugby and safe sex have in common, both need a "Johnny" to score. :D

one week only.....

Standard International season of fragile English Fly Half.......


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