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How Much Does One Of Those Cost


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:D This may annoy Mr Nixon(sorry) but am just wondering how much the CCM trials bike he has advertised is worth. It is a very impressive looking machine. I would ask him myself but he says he doesnt want anyone to enquire by mail. I really like the look of the TL200/250 as well.

If this deemed to be out of order could the moderators please remove as I dont want to cause any offence.

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Interesting one this. I was at Malvern today and there were a couple of these about one in as good as new condition. Really. "Open to sensible offers" :D

Now we all know if this bike gets sold it will be for really silly money.

How many of these bikes actually get used?

Looking over it yes it's a great piece of engineering but lets just suppose you ever intended to ride it then where?

It's not elegible for Pre65. Pre70 or Pre72 which only leaves twinshock class where it would be hopelessly outclassed by bikes that cost less than 20% of what you would have to pay for it.

If you can afford a piece of garage jewelery like this then good for ya but even though i would love one for once my head would get the better of me :stoned::)

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