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Chicago Politics

city trials

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I'm more than trials. But I still stir the pot whatever I do. Here's a anything goes.

If you've ever followed Chicago politics, you've heard the stories. Vote early, vote often. Dead people vote. They're all true. I've been covering politics for as long as I can remember.

Today one of our major news outlets used me as a reporter for my district. You can browse all my stories I posted if you choose, but I hope you enjoy the news they gave me today. Notice in the photo, I never leave home without my dog. (That's for you Andy!)

Meet Craig.

Edited by City Trials
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.... SO, considering that, why are they having Craig Gernhardt do work for them? Using someone as blatently deceitful and cunning as him will taint the reputation of teh paper.
Gernhardt is a known liar, fabricator and deceiver. "Keeping you updated in the 49th Ward today?"

It seems they like you a lot Craig? :banana2:

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