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The Rule Book It's A Menace.


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As this thread develops it it becomes obvious that if every body actually read the book we are throwing away then all the questions above would have sorted them selves out.

May I dare suggest that if most of the people against the ACU had an accident then they would be first to put a claim in.

I never thought much of the "organaisation" until you start getting involved yourself. Then you are glad of a rule book as it protects those who give up their free time and incur expense to allow people to just ride!!!

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from the insurance point of view, we need to prove that we've ahnded out the rules (ie give you a handbook or CD), the onus is then on you to use it. lots of it is not of use to most riders. but sometimes its a great contact directory, etc. alos if you want ot get real arsy and make a protest it explains all the steps and what you cna and can't do - for example grass trackers seam to protest all the time so its really useful to have the handbook about....

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