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Getting shafted on the first purchase is bound to put you off for ever, dont blame you. As for security, yer you have to be carefull of the spam mails but just never login or reply to any emails from paypal or Ebay ever no matter what they say.

Millions of users world wide, and millions of transactions a day no doubt someone may get lucky with the security measures ,but the chances of getting had over by a hacker are very minimal. I always change my passwords every month, transfer paypal money imediately into a bank account and move it from there into another. If anyone got into my paypal account or registered paypal bank account it would nt do much harm. The credit card i use for registration has a

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Both my ebay and paypal accounts have been hacked recently but both swiftly sorted by them! as in the same day. Had moneys taken from paypal and subs set up money back and subs cancelled within 12 hours and some freak tried selling stuff from my account? that was also sorted within 24 hours

I also have a fair amount coming in from ebay most months and even after being hacked I'll happilly continue too use it

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Phishing is the largest growing area in viruses/trojans/spam etc and the fraudsters are becoming more and more sophisticated in their attempts to gain personal information. Whilst you guys seem to be pretty clued up and I certainly am - we can monitor, at any given time, 25% of the entire traffic on the interweb. Our monitoring centre in the UK is pretty cool - it's inside an ex Cold War Nuclear Bunker - Linky with pics. I get more alert emails than I know what to do with and trust me - they're out to get you and using more and more sophisticated methods of attack.

Despite being a geek, I don't even do online banking...

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Bloody hell ! :blink:

For some reason ,dont know why, i feel strangely uneasy now. Anxiety attack coming on.

Perhaps a hacker will break into my bank account and pay off me overdraft?

There i was happily selling stuff from the garage on flea bay blissfully ignorant. Now i wont be able to sleep.

thanks guys :banana2:

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I've had no problems with E Bucket but don't so much on there so I'm not too worried.

I know how many email alerts I get and they already filtered through our HQ, think the last leave I had I came back to over 1000 "issues"......It's a scary world and there's always some ba$***d ready to shaft you. Speaking of geeks and security...hope it goes okay tomorrow Andy..I'm going to bored out of my skull at work :banana2:

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Why won't I sign up as a Supporter?

Call me cheap, lazy, paranoid.........whatever I don't care.

I just have no ambition or gumption to do so.

What REALLY bothers me is that the Site Supporters get this huge logo under their avatar but the SITE OWNER has just 2 small, little words under his avatar telling us who he is. Remember, this is the guy that gives up spare time, uses vacations to report on trials, deals with scammers and spammers just to bring us this wonderfull site, one would think he should be just a tad flashier.

Andy I really enjoy the Belching Barnery avatar, and my four year old sees me on here and tells me "make him burp".

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Zippy - ask anyone who knows me - I am not one for the limelight. I run a mile if anyone even tries to place me in it.

The local radio station in Fort William wanted to interview me last year as part of their SSDT coverage - I hid from them. John Hulme wants to do an article on me and Trials Central for YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE - I'm still in hiding on that one. Trials Training Center want to do an interview for their podcasts - I've kind of.... maybe....tentatively....perhaps...agreed to that one as it's just a voice thing and few in the US know me anyway, however I'll probably hide regardless!

As for Barney - I can't even recall how or when he came to be my avatar, but it's been years. AtomAnt then offered to animate it with the trademark belch and I could hardly refuse. It does, however have its downside. Last year I went into a restaurant for a coffee before a meeting. They had free WIFI so I took advantage and accidently hit Barney without the sound muted. Ever seen a restaurant go silent and have everybody stare at you? :banana2:

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Well, if the limelight makes you uncomfortable than by all means avoid it. But Thanks for the site, even for us cheap b@#$!#ds.

Andy Posted Today, 07:46 PM

As for Barney - I can't even recall how or when he came to be my avatar, but it's been years. AtomAnt then offered to animate it with the trademark belch and I could hardly refuse. It does, however have its downside. Last year I went into a restaurant for a coffee before a meeting. They had free WIFI so I took advantage and accidently hit Barney without the sound muted. Ever seen a restaurant go silent and have everybody stare at you?


That's FUNNY!

as for the question, sadly yes I have seen an entire restaurant go silent and everbody stare at us. This always seems to happen when me and the missus take our 3 boys out with us to the restaurant. Man, I gotta say kids are a blast.

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Our monitoring centre in the UK is pretty cool - it's inside an ex Cold War Nuclear Bunker - Linky with pics.

Its nice to know that when WWIII comes and we are all wiped out, any computers thats left will be safe from a trojan attack :blink:

In the words of Albert Einstein, "I do not know what weapons will be used for WW 3, but I do know that WW 4 will be fought with sticks and stones"

P.s. Site Supporter Link has now been restored to the front page drop down menu :banana2:

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back to the original question

a) I'm a tight fisted student

:banana2: I'm a very busy organiser, and i some ways feel that i already give enough to the sport (unpaid)

c) no other off road motorsport's related sites ask me for money (eg Adrenalintrip.net, TBM, etc) - (ok sidecarcross does)

thats not to say that this isn't a very worthy cause that does deserve your support. IMHO the trials industry should be paying for this via advertisements and/or we should (as riders) get our governing body to support / fund/ host / whatever ....

might cough up when i get a real job ....

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I have just gone to cancel my future paypal payments to trialscentral and have the old transaction but knowhere does it say I am able to cancel future payments! I am guesiing that this means that this transaction was a one off payment and will not be repeated?



P.S I will set up a nochex account to use!

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