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I think a comment that was posted on Bikespaces lost ground post said it all for me in the fact that if you have land advertising it on the web may cause more harm than good! such a shame but we are lucky enough too (if you enter the odd trial) be a good enough bunch too talk between ourselves

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Top job dags88!

I hyave to agree with barry and bilco(from bikespaces topic) about not advertising the practice grounds on the net. I think getting the info. by word of mouth is much safer as far as the land is concerned. Although people are desperate to find places to practice, if you just enter a couple of trials, have a litlle chat to a few people and I'm sure you would be able to find a couple of places to practice.

Edited by seandellear
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Agreed guy's, no point in advertising and giving the ememy more ammo........ locations should be protected from the so called 'do gooders' who want to bann everyone from the countryside cos a rare butterfly or frog farted within a 1000 mile radius ! :D

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So how should I handle the topics on here saying "Where can I find somewhere to practice in xxxxxxx?" Type a reply saying in order to protect practice areas we don't discuss these things openly on this site, close the topic and allow people to PM them if they want? I'm happy to do that if that's what people want.

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I've thought about this before and have to admit I've never given away local practice areas except to people who have been vetted for suitability. Sounds snobbish but its the only way we won't lose places.

There's the odd practice area I suppose where they are very unlikely to do any harm no matter what, but generally I think we need to protect them, and we've got an obligation to keep the nobbers away :thumbup:

With the number of routes we put in now it's very possible to come along to a real trial having never practiced, then speak to people and find out what the local situation is. I certainly don't agree with a practice area database as has been discussed previously.

One example today - this was possibly our last event on the hundred thousand acre piece of land we just lost (with only very slight chance of retrieving it) even though through no fault of our own.

Despite us putting please close the gate signs on all the gates, we rode back down to the road (about 3 miles) and all the gates were open. We're passing through local farmers land here wth sheep that could move between farms. These are people who are competing in our trials but can't be a***d to get out and close the gate.

One more example - we picked up half a bin liner of rubbish after one of our nationals from people camping. Scumbags! :D

Edited by bikespace
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So how should I handle the topics on here saying "Where can I find somewhere to practice in xxxxxxx?" Type a reply saying in order to protect practice areas we don't discuss these things openly on this site, close the topic and allow people to PM them if they want? I'm happy to do that if that's what people want.

I for one think this could be the best way too go :D

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How can we be sure we know who were sending the pm to though,any one can sign up to the site.

i won't talk about practice area's to any one that is'nt sitting next to me on a bike anymore.

We owe more to the land owner than just dropping him in it and sending him a problem.

If someone's just starting out in trial's,they can get advice from this site to what shop to goto about a bike then find a club to trial it at,in that time there talking to the right people,and sitting on a bike, so then if he want's to find a practice area he can ask those people or some rider's at a trial he does.

Edited by bilco
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This is getting really bad gent's ..... look at us 'keeping secrets' about our venues. I know it's a must because of the noobes who want us banned...... but we are going on like criminals here ...... it's not chuffing right, why dont we have any say at all !!! .... i'm writing a letter to my MP NOW, sick of it, I WANT ACTION, these tossers wont take away our hobby without a fight.

First we need to distinguish ourselves from mini moto's(riding round the streets), mx'ers, green laners, 4x4 ers ... its all out for our classic, non offensive sport and i dont give a monkeys about others that cause us to all get tarred with the same brush. Trials is a gentlemans sport and the government need to understand the difference between us and hooligans.

I'm gonna start a new thread on here to get some support on this

I, like you, am not happy with the way we are being treated ? .... anyone agree ??


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This is getting really bad gent's ..... look at us 'keeping secrets' about our venues. I know it's a must because of the noobes who want us banned...... but we are going on like criminals here ...... it's not chuffing right, why dont we have any say at all !!! .... i'm writing a letter to my MP NOW, sick of it, I WANT ACTION, these tossers wont take away our hobby without a fight.

First we need to distinguish ourselves from mini moto's(riding round the streets), mx'ers, green laners, 4x4 ers ... its all out for our classic, non offensive sport and i dont give a monkeys about others that cause us to all get tarred with the same brush. Trials is a gentlemans sport and the government need to understand the difference between us and hooligans.

I'm gonna start a new thread on here to get some support on this

I, like you, am not happy with the way we are being treated ? .... anyone agree ??


I do agree with this completely but I am sure people will find a way of screwing over the sport!

There is always someone else ready to **** on the fire!

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