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Did Anyone Else Have A Problem Logging Onto Tc Today?


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For some reason the server rebooted itself twice. Dunno why. I'm away this weekend hence the length of time it was offline for.

I got some errors this morning at around 09h30 GMT, though (obviously) its working now

The homepage, shows the Forum's icon and the following error....

"Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/sites/site4/web/ibf_latest_topic.php on line 23

Could Not Connect To "localhost"

And clicking througn on the forums...

IPS Driver Error

There appears to be an error with the database.

You can try to refresh the page by clicking here

seems like a MySQL problem, could be concurrent connections issues from the web/app server to the database....

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Aye, I'm having a problem finding chat :D

I got the same message again earlier today but everything seems ok now.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but haven't we been missing chat for a week or two now? Ever since the new style forums?

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For some reason the Trials Central server has taken to rebooting itself at random over the past few days.

When the server reboots the bulk of the processes restart, but it is set up so that it does not come back online fully in that the processes that control the backend databases do not automatically start. That is deliberate and intended. It's something I may have to look at again though if this continues.

As far as the chat goes, every time an upgrade is done to the forums it needs to be re-installed as it is a modification to the default software. I will get round to reinstalling it at some point.

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