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No Lane! Let's Bash Ringo


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WOW! King Sting has spoken! If we don't heed his advice we are all doomed.

Hey Sting, my girlfriend has found that Midol works really well during her time of the month. Just some friendly advice.

Hey Al B shure,

You're not really going to let some lanatic wannabe get under your skin are you? The veterans here all know that we don't need to defend ourselves, well, Ishy maybe, but that's another story.

Anyone can google Johnny F'n Ringo and find the tree I'm buried near in Arizona.

Ah, another CUTE post by the ring. Bunch of bullshiznit aimed at me, instead of what I posted. I aint apologizing for my GD opinion....

Plus, isnt that just about what calls the kettle black... top it off short of caling me a PMS'n beyotch huh RING? Nice!

Hmmm.... cant keep this on topic without attacking me personally?

Oh wait a minute?!?!

hmm seems you would be banned if you were the "beave" as you call him? Only, that is, if we keep strict rules and guidelines...

Too the rest who didn't break up my thoughts between paragraphs:

1st off then blame ANDY for hiding all the "proof" and crap. I only "know" from what hey wrote for the reasons he banned the michlin.

2nd if the rest have so much more info post it up, you act like I would be offended like Alan was (just for mentioning his name) that is if I was proven wrong??? It is a freaking DISCUSSION BOARD, debates and such do happen in real life.

Hey I entered the debate with a delusion, that some of you could read and comprehend subject matter I put up there, and argue it... Not whether I'm the fun guy to hang around to be like ringo... Ringo caught fire and fired back typical both barrels, as usual all buck and no shot...

I used Alan B ONLY because he actually uses his name, was the 1st I could come up with when authoring my little token statement, about people hiding behind an anonymous_online_personality they believe they have... I did not say anything bad about ALAN at all... Well, he took the thing to a whole new level, fine not much I can do about that... I did say (refering to the rest of {yes even me} who are unknowns) that I was not in the mood to hear what the professional Novice had to say about what it takes to be the nations #1 rider, etc.

I did say in that piece, that Lane has one opinion, I would love to hear ring tell me he is really Geoff Aaron, adam raga, Dougi Lamkin, or even some older retired national or champion, or contender or or or something? but I don't know him and cannot see why he thinks he has "clout" to keep arguing tit for tit on. I take it though, you all know him?

there is a guy that has never ridden a motorcycle, he sits at the coffee table telling everything to everyone about motorcycles, his opinion is worth as much a the free air his breath wastes, sometimes a BS'r is just BS.

you didn't argue any of points ring, and you call me king? I probably POWNED you.

So Ringo, this boy's giving you a reet :D whooping

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Too late Ish, but I put it on the other side! Oh well, this works too! :D

I know they just changed to daylight savings time, and your poor old crops in Texas can't take an extra hour of sun every day, but posting time on both topics looks same to me, since I have more cleans, that means your second again :thumbup:

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Mr. Isherwood steps up to lay down the gauntlet once again.

Now here's an example of a man with a life of trials experience, has ridden events that the hairless beaver would not even pretend to enter, yet he is so humble that 99.3% of the people that read this board would never know.

First of all I

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