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Fan Squeals


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06 300 pro.

The fans comes on and off normally. There is nothing around the blades or restricting it. But it will go into squealing mode---there are two different squeals-- a shreiking high pitched squeal which stats and stop suddenlly and a lower pitched one which also starts and stops while the fan is running.

Do I just need a new fan?

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Its probably dry bearings or brushes and may be able to be fixed with correct lubrication which may entail pulling the fan apart.

Is it possible that water has entered the fan motor from a high pressure water blaster? It seems that every trials bike I know that has had the cooling fan motor fail has an owner who cleans the bike with a high pressure cleaner.

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Pull the rubber protecter away from the rear of the fan, put a couple of drops of oil on the end of the fan shaft problem solved!!!!!! :D

A spray lubricant will also work [WD40 or such] and it will not harm the fan.

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Pull the rubber protecter away from the rear of the fan, put a couple of drops of oil on the end of the fan shaft problem solved!!!!!! :D

A spray lubricant will also work [WD40 or such] and it will not harm the fan.

Thanks Spinner,

I guess the fan design has changed: here is what mine looks like:


you think I should squirt at the little drive shaft?

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that gets the rear bearing, certainly an easy place to start. May help, may not solve it though.

there is also a front bearing, fan end of same shaft. front one takes the thrust loading, may be the source of the noise.

Someone did a post in past about disaseembling, drilling out rivets, and lubing it.

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that gets the rear bearing, certainly an easy place to start. May help, may not solve it though.

there is also a front bearing, fan end of same shaft. front one takes the thrust loading, may be the source of the noise.

Someone did a post in past about disaseembling, drilling out rivets, and lubing it.

TY Kevin, I searched and searched but could not find that one. My inside source says squeals are common, what he does is stop the fan blade and hold it for 10 seconds, then let go again.

Thanks to global warming we have alot less snow this year ( I do coast down the big hills to cut emissions, believe it or not), still no riding at my house of course, but sunday i made the 2:20 trek to THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE (and I am not kidding), where the riding is already great.




my OTHER bike


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