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Website Questions


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heya all

im a bit stuck on something when building my website.

Im trying to 'format it' by adding a table and then type what i want into it. The problem is if i have got more text in one colum than in another the other moves down so it is not at the top.

hope ive explained my problem well enough. :icon_salut:



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I would suggest trying a webdesign app such as Dreamweaver, makes all this a lot easier!

I think what you are looking for is the <td valign="top">Your Text Here</td> this will bring all the data in the cell to the top of the cell. Also valid are "middle", "bottom" and "baseline"



Edited by rcgods
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rcgod's suggestion is fundamentally correct but many recent XHTML parsers will complain about the use of "align" as a tag attribute. The solution is to use the "vertical-align" CSS directive in either the linked stylesheet or inline:

<td style="vertical-align:top;">Some text</td>

Either way will work of course but those of us who have to comply with every random standard that customers come across and consider to be holy gospel are acutely aware of this kind of thing.

Edited by neonsurge
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