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Novarkin Good Boots


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I bought a new pair of Novogar trials boots last July and to my disapointment I have wore a hole through the sole. The hole is about 20 mm x 30mm and located on the righthand boot instep. Has anyone had a pair of boots resoled or should i bite the bullet and buy a new pair maybe just use these in the dry months ?

I think at

Edited by leggins
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  leggins said:
I bought a new pair of Novogar trials boots last July and to my disapointment I have wore a hole through the sole. The hole is about 20 mm x 30mm and located on the righthand boot instep. Has anyone had a pair of boots resoled or should i bite the bullet and buy a new pair maybe just use these in the dry months ?

I think at

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  CROSSER said:
there is a new sole on the novogars now. I helped to develop it. you will not wear it out in 3 years. crosser


I think the new colours look brilliant and the only thing putting me off was how quickly the soles wore out on the old ones. I take it the new colour scheme has the new tougher soles?

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  hilly lit said:
Are you sure its not your foot pegs that are wearing all your boots out? Try Pivot pegs - my husband has had his Sidi boots for nearly a year and they are like brand new and they are used every weekend more or less.

Yes, it def is the footrests that wear them out.

It's just that Alpinestars last about three times longer than the Novogars.

If the new Gars have tougher soles, then I'll go for those again.

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  scorpa3 said:
  hilly lit said:
Are you sure its not your foot pegs that are wearing all your boots out? Try Pivot pegs - my husband has had his Sidi boots for nearly a year and they are like brand new and they are used every weekend more or less.

Yes, it def is the footrests that wear them out.

It's just that Alpinestars last about three times longer than the Novogars.

If the new Gars have tougher soles, then I'll go for those again.

Its not my pegs thats causing the damage its closer to my big toe , if anything its the back break pedal. The hole is now full of silicone and with a new plastic bag on my foot I should be dry for at least a couple of sections next Sunday . Wow those Oxtar boots Look good enough to go out in ..

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  Essex Rider said:
I like the look of These and theyre cheap, they also claim they are waterproof

Have you read the disclaimer about not being 100% waterproof. Wadind through streams is a little different from riding through the odd puddle. Therefore the use of that plastic bag from Next which appered when you got home from last sundays trial :thumbup: may be required

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