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Bet Toni Would Have Got Up?

the addict

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Gee willikins!!! Makes 'The Widowmaker' from On And Sunday look like a slight lump on a main road!! I can't decide which is more dangerous - trying to ride, or trying to catch the bike/rider before they fall down the hill!! Totally nuts!!

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Gee willikins!!! Makes 'The Widowmaker' from On And Sunday look like a slight lump on a main road!! I can't decide which is more dangerous - trying to ride, or trying to catch the bike/rider before they fall down the hill!! Totally nuts!!

My exact thoughts when I watched it were "what are those pillocks doing trying too catch the idiots?"

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It looks like the Billings (Montana) hillclimb to me. I have been to that spot and it is way steeper than it looks. I'd like to see anyone make it up that on a trials bike. There isn't enough power there even if you are Toni Bou. Did you see the guy get clanked by his own rear wheel? That had to have hurt like holy heck!

Edited by JayLael
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think they get pretty good money for winning. I saw video of Jeremy McGrath riding several different classes at Billings. He really earned a great deal of repect from me after seeing him do that. The guy deserves to be a legend! I was a bit sour on the lad back in 199? when he was out to eat at a restaurant in a pair if bedroom slippers and stepped on a bit of broken glass, which caused a very bad nearly career ending injury. What the **** are you doing going out to eat in bedroom slippers for anyway Jeremy? Ya poof! Then all the row with Honda about riding jet skis. I thought it was stupid of Honda to let him go over that.

His performance at Billings has redeemed him in my eyes. He really rode awesome! Well enough to convince me he could have been a pretty darn good trials rider. Now he's getting set to go race Nascar cars for Dale juniors team. The moto cross guys are going to make that stuff worth watching now. Ricky Carmichael and Jeremy McGrath driving 200 mph race cars might even keep me awake for more than 5 minutes. Normally just the thought of NASCAR racing makes me yawn.

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I admire McGrath for the way he told the big H to p**s off. When he left Honda it was a very acrimonious divorce. Seems Honda presented him with a new contract which he sensibly sent round to his lawyer. His lawyer then asked him if he was aware that Honda would own his image. At which he got on the blower to Honda and told them he wasn't signing. A week later he signed with Suzuki.

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driving 200 mph race cars might even keep me awake for more than 5 minutes. Normally just the thought of NASCAR racing makes me yawn.

D'jew jus say sumpin bad about NASCAR, boy?

I'll be in Tish, while them guys are in Dallas! I'd rather go ride! Don't get near as dirty! :)

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