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Week 10 - Bit About Brits, And A Bit Of A Whinge!


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lots of very good over 40's on modern bikes around these days, not classics are they!

maybe its time to have one over 40 champonship in the novagar and the classics to

just have an award from trial to trial and let the CofC get back to setting the classic

trials out for the classic BIKES !!!

If it wasn't for the over 40's and the success of that class, then the sebac now classic would have died. IMHO

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dabster your spot on but don't you think it's taking over the classic series and in trying

to take marks off very good 0/40 riders, on the latest kit , the original classics are

suffering, and then there's the sidecar route, and the expert route, and in one round

the schoolperson route, nice to have all these riders and a good entry but it's the

classic riders who seem to come off second best

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yes and no. Isupported the series as an over 40 as the trials were generally good, as others have got to that age, Koch and levett etc it has become too competitive for me and they now have the over 50 which suits others better, but this is away from the classic theme, of course.

Two reasons as I see it, these over 40's are becoming more prevelent in trials, (would be interesting to know the age breakdown over the years), and they do not have a decent series to go for. The novogars are sometimes too hard and the classic can be too easy. This thread.

back to rapleys bit, its time that the classic series organisers used the dual route thing and it may be a way to encourage the classics back a bit as they will know the over 40's ill have harder sections, sort of win win. The welsh lot got it wrong in the severity of sections, mostly due to the sidecar thing, and its not the first time unless I'm mistaken.

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The welsh lot got it wrong in the severity of sections, mostly due to the sidecar thing, and its not the first time unless I'm mistaken.

What do you mean by that. I believe you ARE mistaken, but I better check what you're on about first?

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I have ridden maybe 2 or 3 Classic trials I think it was the welsh trophy from Rhayder?

Anyway the sections were basic and had never had a wheel run across them.

The last group was in a really slippy stream by the side of the road and only after the passage of 25 riders was it possible.

Think it was the same for another group where we went back to the pub for half an hour then went back, not ideal for a national............

Another double sub thing was down the road and I wacked my foot on a concealed root which was dangerous, that kind of thing.

organisation was good observing ok from memory but I havn't ever really enjoyed one.

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OK - not sure of the history of the Welsh Trophy, it's very possible it used to be further South - totally different club and organisation anyway. I've not seen many Rhayader trials so can't comment.

I think we may be tarring a fairly large group of people with the same brush there (the Welsh). I've been to a fair few trials you English have messed up, but I wouldn't bother going to Wales if that's two trials you've seen messed up by them Welshies :o

You probably wouldn't enjoy our Forest Trophy or our Novogar round either, because I believe there are Welshies involved there too :wall:

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Welsh Trophy, up until this year, hasn't been a round of the Classic for a few years now. It has always been a sidecar round and up until 5 or 6 ?? years ago, always run by Rhayader club. Was always a brilliant trial, run on the same sections as the Classic Experts and because of the terrain it was no problem to accomodate sidecars and solos and all the classic regulars enjoyed it. After that, Mid Wales centre ran it based around Knighton but unfortunately it became too easy for the solos. It was always run on the Saturday before the Victory, also based in Knighton. This year, it was again run by Mid Wales centre and reinstated as a round of the classic, but as far as I know, a different organising team from the previous years that Mid Wales had run it (I was told, as per my previous post Llanfyllin and Clive clubs but don't know this for a fact) and obviously, a different venue using Nantmawr for the first time. Personally I was surprised at how easy it turned out as I have ridden trials in that area for longer than I care to remember and have never been disappointed by an event from either of those clubs, they've also been challenging and enjoyable - which is why we always used to ride in Wales years ago instead of the muddy crap we used to get in the Midland centre. (Forest Trophy venue would make an excellent classic round) So what went wrong with section plotting for the Welsh Trophy? - don't know, difinitely too easy for the classics but based on the history I have of riding in that area with those clubs I just put it down to a blip or maybe a mis-judgement of what the riders in the classic series are capable of. It happens sometimes. Different situation altogether from other clubs who combine sidecar/classic rounds and year after year make no attempt to give the classic competitors something to get their teeth into.

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There seems to be the opinion that the Welsh Trophy was too easy due to the 'sidecars'.

Absolute rubbish.

It was too easy for the expert sidecars as well, (although it was enjoyable).

We lost 19 which included 2 fives and a three. We lost marks in only 9 nine of the 40ish sections.

So lay off blaming us!

I presume it ended up easier than expected because it was very dry (not normal foe wales) and if it had been wet it would of been a very different story!!

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