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Dabill And Sagar

nigel dabster

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Wait for it Nigel........I'm going to agree with you :D

Probably right about Scotland, he has got the rest of his life for it. I suppose the drive for the Scottish may be mainly the fun of taking part, and I suppose the possibility of that one-off performance which goes down in history (unlikely as it may be over 6 days).

I don't think the licence levy is a bad idea either. It's not exactly breaking the bank at

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Fair enough then, so lets reduce lottery funding to British gymnastics and make the prizes bigger, same goes for all other sports funded or otherwise and then we can watch an olympics full of the aristocracy or Beckhams kids (python sketch) as they will be the only ones who can afford it. And while we are at it lets cut taxes, close schools and hospitals live and die in sh!t, great idea, then we wouldn't have to give anything away at all.

I for one think that even with all its faults the ACU in general and academy in particular is at the present time our only way forward, and probably needs more funding and more effort if we are to have British competitors on the WTC in the future, unless thats worthless IYHO too? :D

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A couple of quid on an annual payment that we knew went directly to the development of riders at world level would be the way forward.....

I have often thought what I would do if I won the lottery, and a re-occuring thought would be to fully kit out a decent sized van (e.g. Sprinter) and take people off the Isle of Man to ride as many National trials as possible at no cost to them. This would develop them and who knows they may move onto Euro and World level. If your not in the game you'll never know if your up to the level!!!

There are a couple of lads doing well in B Class and D class nationals at the moment, Nigel Crellin an Lee Sealey, but no disrespect to them....I can't see them making it unless they get significant assistance.

Steve Colley is Manx, but how did he get to the top? By sacrifcing his life from the age of 16 when he travelled the length of the country in an old blue escort with his bike on a bike rack. Then he started winning stuff, showing potential and he got noticed and got paid for riding.....He sacrificed riding in his home National (Manx two Day) and the Scottish for a few years I think as well.

I don't undersatnd the comments abut why the ACU should support Clubman riders. By arranging insurance in the cheapest way, and affiliating clubs they are giving everyone in the country the opportunity to ride as often or little as they like.....all for

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i personally don't want to give the riders a Penny, i think my money is "wasted" on the ACU academy. IMHO its not the governing bodies' job to fund / train riders

the average clubman doesn't get this help.......

I am not sure if it is still available but when I was involved on the committee of my local club there were funds available for training from the acu. They had money set aside every year for training which my club applied for and got so we could pay a couple of top riders to come for the day.

If you don't ask - you don't get!

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As the mother of one of the acu acadamy riders I can only only sing the acu's praises. My daughter, yes she's a girl! has attended both on bike and off bike training, all paid for by the acu, or should I say the members of the acu. I am under no illusion about her abilities, I know she's no Laia Sanz but should she be denied the chance to improve her riding just because she's a girl? Last year we travelled to France and Italy to European rounds and our eyes were well and truly opened to the way Spain, Italy and even France support their young riders. Not just vans but huge articulated lorries arrived bringing the whole Italian and Spanish teams , complete with mechanics, minders etc. I couldn't help thinking how we looked like the poor relations in all this. I do feel that more could be done to help the likes of Tom Sagar, James Dabill, Michael Phillipson, etc who have to try and hold down a job, attend university, practice, and travel to as many events as is possible. Rabie don't be so selfish, if I won the lottery I would without hesitation support the up and comeing young riders, but that's just a dream!

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How did Tom finish up in the SSDT?? I bet Dabster can't wait to find out :D

Not my point at all dumbass, I think Tom has had a great week in scotland getting better every day, finishing 11th. is a great achievement.

Its riders like Tom we (yes Mark you and me) should be helping even if it is only in a small way and give those with the ability the chance, which they in turn need to grab.

Theres nothing like being constuctive, so what do you suggest/think?

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Not my point at all dumbass, Theres nothing like being constuctive, so what do you suggest/think?

Oh Dabster, dont take it the wrong way mate...sorry if it come over that i thought you were taking the p*** out of the youth of today..... :D

I'd be glad to stump up a few quid a year to help the good boys (and girls) to get on at a higher level.

Have it as an option every year I say.


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