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Is Scorpa Ok?


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I'm relatively new to trials. I am going to move to a newer model bike and being a yamaha mx fan, I'm wondering why Scorpa bikes don't seem to be as popular as others with the pros. Is the bike ok and the other companys spend more to sponsor pros, or is their a problem with Scorpa?

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There's nothing wrong with the bike or the engine. They are a fairly new company and are smaller than the other's; therefore you can't expect them to play the game to the same degree as the rest of the manufaturers. They don't have a top rider so the publicty is also less. That said, the bike is a good performer and would suit any rider at any level. The backup offered by the (uk) importers is spot on too.

Edited by boofont
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;) I don't want to incite a riot here but...

Some companies prefer to charge a higher purchase price and make more profit per bike than selling shedloads of bikes at reduced profit margins.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the '04 Beta was the 2nd cheapest bike available when they arrived last October. Scorpa appeared to be the most expensive, they are obviously very happy with the exclusivity that goes with owning a Scorpa.

All new bikes are great bikes for the average clubman, however the price difference between the cheapest and dearest can be

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Quote:"There,s nothing wrong with the bike or engine",

Yes Boofont, as long as you put petrol in it!!, Ha ha!

Seriously though, the yam is a proven motor, as you will see at the Scottish etc. Last year there were old ty mono,s and tyz's doing the ssdt, but there weren,t many other 10+ year old bikes there!! Having ridden boofonts, i would say the scorpa is a good bike, maybe it doesn't rev as quickly as the others but thats no bad thing for the novices (like myself). It's definitely easier to handle than a gasser or sherco, which can easily get away from you if you give it a little too much gas.

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Best looking bike by far. Nice to ride and plenty of grunt. Only down side is that the lump is wide and doing any work requires major strip down to get access, ask boofont !!!! B) Oh, it has amazing traction/grip too.

Edited by oceanvibe
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Guest Yamaha_dude

well the way i see it if you dont think im being picky or aragant or sumat:

if its good enough to be made and riden its good enough if its bad no-one would buy it no-one would ride it.

id be gratful for any 04 as i have an 84!!!

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Good bike had 3 between 2000 and 2002, no problems, rode em at british expert championship standard, never found them short of power, perhaps people need to improve their technique as a 200 has ample power for the majority of riders. Yes the lump is 10 years old, what does that tell you... Its bloody good, no problems with mains or waterpumps just a well sorted engine that can be tuned.

If you were riding at european or world championship level, then a 270 kit maybe required, but the bike is more capeable than any rider on this forum.

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OK, ***honest evaluation***

My friend just bought a new Scorpa and I took it for a spin.

The suspension is incredible and I would have to say the Scorpa's best asset.

The motor was noticeably slower, not nearly the snap of my stock 01 Monty. If your not hitting big stuff than that's not going to be a problem. That's not to say that you can't hit big stuff with one, it's being done of course.

If you do pick up the Scorpa be sure to get the aftermarket skidplate that is flat from the front to the back. The stocker has a very noticeable offset that will toss you to the side if you get hung up on an edge.

Other than that the bike seems to be put together rather nicely and a few of my friends have been piloting them for a year now and are happy.

Viva Team Full [if your not riding a "Monty" your missing out] B)

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Before assessing the motor as "noticably slower", you have to consider how the bike was setup.

By design, the Scorpa allows for the rider to tune the performance to their preference. In addition to the variable timing on the ignition, they offer two different weights of flywheel. That, along with a slow or fast throttle, allows for a very wide range of adjustability in the bikes performance.

Did your buddies bike have:

1) Light or heavy flywheel?

2) Aggressive timing setting?

3) Slow or fast throttle?

All important things to know before assessing the performance of any particular Scorpa as they can be setup dramatically different from one rider to the next.

Edited by DGShannon
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