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2004 280 Pro--- Poor Hot Starting


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I often need the choke to start this bike when hot even thoughIi have set the float levels at 16mm by bending the two tangs that touch the float. Now i am wondering if I should have done some bending at the float valve end instead. If so , how? The bike starts easily from cold using the choke

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Hi Steam,

Can you give me your jet sizes, needle and needle jet, needle clip position, pilot screw - how many turns out. These are usually good starting when warm.

Not sure how you set your float tangs, turn carb upside down, float arms should run parallel to the carb body bowl mating surface.

Is the carb a DellOrto PHBL 26.

Bye, PeterB.

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Hi steam,

Had another thought.

Does the bike have Ducati ignition, if so, I have noticed on a few bikes that the ignition pick up sensor is mounted a little too close to the outside of the magneto, leaving a tell tale scrape band on the outside of the mag. (When hot, the magneto expands and can contact the pick up if it is too close). There is room for a little adjustment to move the sensor away from the magneto. If the pick up was touching, the ignition system would have a hard time working properly.

With a standard pilot size 30, the pilot screw would usually be around 3.5 to 4 turns out. Your 2 turns may be a little lean, but then you have put in a 38 pilot jet - check the mag.

Bye, PeterB.

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Hi Steam,

if your bike still has the Dellorto carb fitted, take the float bowl off the carb, place it upside down and as PeterB said the needle valve operating arms should be parallel to the face that the float bowl matches up to. When in this position, the measurement from the surface that the float bowl matches up to, to the top surface of the operating arms should be 18.5mm.

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