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Abergavenny Auto Club Trial


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hmmm, how was it ? One of the more interesting trials days I've been to.

45 entries and only 8 finishers sums it up; really hard, it p*ssed it down all down (still raining here now). There's no doubt that the course was set up too hard and after two laps me and the SWM knocked it on the head afterII slipped off and getting a nice burn to my leg from the exhaust (infact its probably a scald due to my trousers being so wet)

Think this will provoke some club discussion, the Sportsman (easiest) route was too tight and some had some interesting rock steps. Forecast for next weekend when the Mitchell is on the same ground is looking a lot better. The Expert route was really there a week too early.

I am now off to Milan for work this week, mainly to dry out....and maybe hunt for some spares to get the bike running again.

I _hope_ that the next Abergavenny trial doesn't see rain and is more sensibly set out

Edited by malcra
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Malcolm, yer one of those days, not our best introduction to Abergavenny AC. Personaly I would have scrapped the Expert course form the start and made the Clubman route the Expert, would have been about right but still hard. The Clubman route should have been the easy route and I bet it would have still taken marks off the top Club lads. Me and Ryan entered on the Expert and packed up after the first lap after the sections got way to hard and slippy. I tried a few of the clubman route sections later on and they seemed hard enough for Experts considering the conditions, god knows how some clubmen even tried some of them. Even the Easy route was way to hard and I have never been to a trial where I have seen so many crashes and bikes flung over riders heads. I wasnt going to post anything but I did here one of the club guys saying well we didnt think it was going to rain? Its a great place for Trials but something should have been done before to ease the trial either as above or move some markers to ease the event off.

I'm sure every club has its bad trials and its a shame for the organisers after the effort has been put in before hand.

Hope the next Abergavenny trial goes well and the heavens dont open for you, nice to meet you this morning


Edited by Betarev3
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plenty of comments were made to the course plotter this week (like "its going to rain all weekend"). The last trial in April, also at Llywdcoed farm (at the bottom and middle parts) was won on the Sportsman route for "4" and Clubman for "10" or so...so its very much a weather thing I guess.

its a balancing act (no pun intended), but there has been moves to stiffen up the sections in East South Wales and improve the level of riding, and I have been to some silly trials over the last couple of years, but todays is now in top place.....

I agree a lot with your comments and hope you will come to the next trial (in August). I'll walk round, video the sections and put them on youtube before you come down....

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Haha, yer video them :lol: nice one, August hopefully should be drier so maybe :D I was impressed at the level of all the riders there today considering the conditions, all of which had a good go at all the sections. I saw one lad on a Techno I think attempt the graded hill climb 3 times on the trot and each time throw his bike over his head on the rock step near the top, takes big balls to try a second time let alone 3, fair play. Even the Goat didnt make it to the top and he is renowned for big flat out hill climbs hence the nick name. There was a young lad on our route trying everything 100% and had better attempts than me on most of them, and too be honest if that trial had been set around hear 90% of the riders would have gone home on the first lap so well done for those who stuck it out to the end or went round a second time.

Hope the leg heals quickly Malc, hopefully see you in August :thumbup:

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I saw one lad on a Techno I think attempt the graded hill climb 3 times on the trot and each time throw his bike over his head on the rock step near the top, takes big balls to try a second time let alone 3, fair play.

I think I know the climb well! and can say in the dry it is pretty bloody hard! so long then the step at the top just chucks me to the right!

Looks a nasty burn Malc! I hope you didn't pop it? I have experiance of bad wet trouser exhaust burns and feel very sorry for your coming days

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Cheers to all for the hard work put in but i think even if the sections were made easyer the day would have been one to forget, in football terms abandoned in the fist half. I take my hate off to the few observers who stood out in it and looked like they were having a great Sunday out in the fresh air and rather than being at home in the dry.

Is there anyone still in the field because they could not get their car out?

Look forward to next time and hope the riders do a bit better next week!

Cheers Ralph.

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