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Well it seems for sure the young men are taking their toll upon the olde guarde!





Lee! Ahead of World Champ Tommi A.!

And lets not forget Ross!

Just goes to show you, youth has its merits!

Where did Ishy go? Ah, to the pub!

I feel REALLY OLD now! :thumbup:

Edited by copemech
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Yes, the 'kids' are doing the business. The difference maybe because all those riders you mentioned ride, or have ridden at world level and the experience is invaluable.

Also, the pecking order is generally how it has been in youth trials coming through (since I have been watching it anyway).

I hope dibs hangs on for the win but I think the one that stands out the most is Alexz. You have to admit that for a first time out his scoring is remarkable displacing many class names on a daily basis. Well done :)

Ross had a good day yesterday(Friday) dropping just 6 which is his best performance of the week. Also improving his position on a daily basis.

He says he is enjoying it :thumbup: although he's done over half a dozen front flips over the bars riding through the bogs between sections :(

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