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Tlr250 Restoration

mick annick

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Guest majestyman340
The wheels are now at CWC at Coleshill for new rims, stainless spokes and hub repainting, topped of with Michelin tyres and tubes. All the chrome bits have gone to Marque Restore at Coventry for replating.

I've managed to source most of the bolts needed in stainless steel and am looking forward to putting it altogether. The only things I now need are a proper gearlever - short alloy one rather than the nasty steel folding tip one I have - any ideas? I could also do with a new front sprocket cover...

I'm off to Tokyo in a few weeks and have my son scouting around for bits out there but he's not managed to turn anything up yet, but I live in hope.


Gordon Farley can help with a proper alloy lever for TLR's.................

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  • 3 months later...

The rebuild is moving on nicely, though I've found a part I don't have a home for - anyone know where it belongs please?

Ah, don't know how to post a piccie, so I'll describe it for now: stepped collar 18mm o/d 10mm i/d, 20mm long stepped half way - does that make sense??


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The rebuild is moving on nicely, though I've found a part I don't have a home for - anyone know where it belongs please?

Ah, don't know how to post a piccie, so I'll describe it for now: stepped collar 18mm o/d 10mm i/d, 20mm long stepped half way - does that make sense??


Sounds like the spacer between the engine and the frame off the top engine mount ?

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  • 1 month later...

Another problem...

Back wheel in, but when I tighten the spindle it locks solid - looks like the backplate is binding on the brake drum. Any ideas as to what I've got wrong?

If someone could tell me how to post photos I'd show the spacer I still haven't found a home for too.


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Hi Mick

Regards to your spacer, it very much sounds like it could be the front wheel spindle spacer....

The back wheel issue could be new incorrect shoes fitted or the originals not fitted correctly.... what else have you done there, replaced wheel bearings?

As for up loading pictures you need to get an account opened on a seperate site, I use photobucket.com, for what you need just to get photo's on here and hold few hundred pictures is free.



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Thanks simon

Everything is new - wheel bearings, brake shoes, hub and backplate repainted (though I've ground most of it off again to try and resore the clearances).

I don't think it's the brakes binding as if I slaken the spindle off a turn it spins freely, and the brake is working OK. The new inner wheel bearing is slightly recessed into the hub, so is amybe a little thinner than the orginial? I'm going to try a washer between the bearing and the backplate tomorrow...


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  • 1 month later...

It's finished...




Thanks to all the following:

Engine rebuild - Eddie Bull

Parts - Tim @ Gordon Farley Motorcycles, Mike Pearce, Trials Bits, Julian Wigg

Wheels & tyres - Central Wheels , Coleshill

Frame Paint - D J Hook, Smethwick

Sorry the phots aren't very good


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Thanks simon

Everything is new - wheel bearings, brake shoes, hub and backplate repainted (though I've ground most of it off again to try and resore the clearances).

I don't think it's the brakes binding as if I slaken the spindle off a turn it spins freely, and the brake is working OK. The new inner wheel bearing is slightly recessed into the hub, so is amybe a little thinner than the orginial? I'm going to try a washer between the bearing and the backplate tomorrow...



Did you sort the brake problem out yet?

If not I would check that the bearings are fully seated, perhaps there is some new paint where it shouldnt be?

If the outer part of the bearing housings aren't fully seated into the recess then when you tighten the spindle the inner races will be pushing together creating lateral friction.

I presume there is a spacer between the two bearings - when looking at the wheel out of the bike with brake plate removed etc... is this spacer being held tight or can it move around? If it's moving around this would indicate the bearings aren't fully seated.

Hope you get it sorted - The bike looks great.


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Sorted the binding wheel - I hadn't driven home the sprocket-side bearing far enough - took out the screw-in collar, pushed the bearing home a bit more and all was well.

I've only ridden it round the car park but it feels great, and started it second kick which was a surprise.


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