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A Huge Thank You

slapshot 3

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On Saturday morning my Dad, Duncan Young a long time member of the Stevenson Club, suffered a Stroke as we were packing up ready to leave at the end of the day. He's okay and was moved from Fort William back to the local hospital in Ayrshire today. I'm really happy to say his condition is improving in leaps and bounds.

This post is purely a huge thanks to the members of the trials fraternity who have passed their best wishes and messages of support back to us by phone, email and every other method possible since Saturday. It's probably impossible to contact everyone again so on behalf of the whole Young family THANKS

I asked the boss if it was okay to put this in here, it seemed apt.

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Slapper - I'm really sorry to hear that. I did wonder why you weren't hovering about to fling abuse at us on Saturday night.... :D

You must've had a hellish few days - I'm really glad he's pulling through and has got moved back down the road so quickly. Here's hoping the rest of his recovery is as prompt - in the meantime, we'll be thinking of you all.

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Donald nothing much to add other than what i said on the phone the other night. Just tell the old bugger that i hope to see him on pipeline again next year. Real fun spending time with both of you this year. He's a real character as you both are. Best wishes and will contact you when i get back from Robregordo. Just finished packing :D

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