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2000 Rev 3


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yes well i did say that the track was **** and i also said that the pros thought the track was really good but maybe that is because they dont ride it every weekend and they ride loads of tracks and people over here ride one and the reasson they like it so much is becase it is so unkept and bumpy and it is a real hard ride trying to get the maximium out of the bike. and yes i do think a thew people on here are ass holes but im not gonna mention names cause i no the dont like me either so there your trying to bad mouth me and it aint really doin anything is it techno98

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oh and i have never givin false information on here intentionly i might have said somthing wrong like at the begging of this topic but that is what i feal and have been told so shut ur pie hole fat boy! :D

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wow, its been a while since i've posted on TC, but trying to graduate and ride doesn't leave alot of time for the ol computer

steve, how can you call beta's names when you just bought your son one, if memory serves me correctly gasgas make a kids bike

we all know you secretly yern for a Beta :D

as for the original question, i've never ridden an 00' rev but i've ridden an 01' rev and thought it had a great feel, and nice power, the only thing that would make me think twice about the 00' would be the usd forks, but ride it around a bit, you may be worrying about nothin

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