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Very New To Trials.


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Hello everyone, I'm a complete novice when it comes to trials. Live is Sligo, Northwest of Ireland. Day job is a motorcycle instructor when there's enough work. Please see www.mrtg.ie ( not touting for business, just some further info.) Found the site via web search about sticking clutch on my Sherco 290 just arrived yesterday. I will try the suggestions. Well again hello and I'm sure I will meet some of you in the future after I've fallen off a few times. Bye for now.

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Hello everyone, I'm a complete novice when it comes to trials. Live is Sligo, Northwest of Ireland. Day job is a motorcycle instructor when there's enough work. Please see www.mrtg.ie ( not touting for business, just some further info.) Found the site via web search about sticking clutch on my Sherco 290 just arrived yesterday. I will try the suggestions. Well again hello and I'm sure I will meet some of you in the future after I've fallen off a few times. Bye for now.

Welcome to TC 'Notfallenyet' I do hope that you're not tempting fate with you name :banana2:

As for you question regarding the Sherco, you will get some good replies by posting the query in the Sherco forum. I'm sure that I've seen replies about this before and it is a simple case of choosing the correct gearbox fluid.

Let us know how you get on.


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hi,do you mean clutch is sticking when the bike has been stood for a few days,and you kick it over and you end up inbedded in the back of your garage wall? Then what you need to do before you kick it over is stick in 3rd or 4th pull the clutch in and rock it bacwkards and forwards a few times untill the back wheel becomes free. i have a 2.9 sherco and i have to do this every time i ride,don't know if all trials bikes are the same or just yours and mine. what oil are you using?and how long ago did you drop it? :banana2:

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hi,do you mean clutch is sticking when the bike has been stood for a few days,and you kick it over and you end up inbedded in the back of your garage wall? Then what you need to do before you kick it over is stick in 3rd or 4th pull the clutch in and rock it bacwkards and forwards a few times untill the back wheel becomes free. i have a 2.9 sherco and i have to do this every time i ride,don't know if all trials bikes are the same or just yours and mine. what oil are you using?and how long ago did you drop it? :banana2:

The bike is only just new to me, it's a 03 bike. I've opened the clutch cover and removed the clutch plates. Clutch is now working fine. Regarding the oil I'm not sure which oil the bike is using but would welcome any suggestions regarding type and quantity. My use of the bike will be only once a week, should I have clutch problem after been stood for a week.

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I always start my bike in neutral and push off so that the bike is moving a little before selecting gear, this way it doesn't lurch forward when the clutch initialy sticks. Then one or two dabs of the rear brake always frees it off.

I think this is common practice although many people will tell you that the use of certain oils will eliminate the need for this ritual.

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