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Needle Height?


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Just a quickie: Now I've got my bike running properly again, I've installed a 145 main and 27.5 pilot jet and just like everyone says, it runs MUCH cleaner! However, it's still a bit "fluffy" right off the bottom - can anyone else who's got the lean jets installed tell me where their needle is set?

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I have the same jets in my 06 bike and have left the needle

in it's standard position my bike seems fine.

If i were you i would just drop it a notch and give

it a whirl,not all the bikes seem to be the same

anyway !

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Neon, got mine set one notch leaner from standard, give it a go and keep an eye on the plug to make sure its not too lean. If the bike seems lacking in power abit, it might mean it needs richening up a little

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Just a quickie: Now I've got my bike running properly again, I've installed a 145 main and 27.5 pilot jet and just like everyone says, it runs MUCH cleaner! However, it's still a bit "fluffy" right off the bottom - can anyone else who's got the lean jets installed tell me where their needle is set?

Steve i have just put the Boysen reeds in and changed the jets 145 main and 27.5 pilot, i also put in a Jitse filter.

The bike ran great straight off so left the needle in the middle position, it might be worth while putting the reeds in and then all should be well.

Dave C

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I dropped the needle one notch before I put Boyesen reeds in and changed jets to 145/27.5. Bike seemed to be running lean, so I put the needle back to original (middle notch) and now it's fine. :banana2:

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I've installed a 145 main and 27.5 pilot jet and just like everyone says, it runs MUCH cleaner! However, it's still a bit "fluffy" right off the bottom - can anyone else who's got the lean jets installed tell me where their needle is set?

I have those jets, and boyesens and have the standard needle as low as it will go (leanest setting). Altering the needle position really is better suited to 3/4 WOT jetting. Mine is still a bit "fluffier" than I would like.... I believe that the correct adjustment would be to change from the stock 2.0 Slide to at leaner (maybe 2.5).

BUT - since our carbies are OEM and unusual in size and right side screw, I have not been able to source A supplier for a slide to suite. No one in Aus is helpful, anyway. I emailed lampkins, but they told me to try the UK mikuni rep... I didn't bother, since I expect a similar response to Aus reps :banana2:. Anyway Lampkins told "The tel number for the importer for Mikuni parts is 01949 836733"

If anyone can source these slides, lemme know !



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Thanks for advice everyone. I'll try going one notch leaner on the needle and see what happens. Boyesens are next...

The number that JLI gave you is Allen's Performance. Top bunch, they've always been extremely knowledgeable and helpful when I've spoken to them and there's lots of information (part lists and exploded diagrams etc.) on their web site.

Edited by neonsurge
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