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Caburettor Adjustment


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hi, I've just started riding trials. bought a '91 k roo fantic. it was a shed and should have spent my hard earned cash on somethin else i guess but been on it a few times and really enjoyed it. my problem is the tick over. i've adjusted the screws on the carb (ph8h26) works for a while then dies, however if i touch the choke only slightly the engine starts to rev really high. (this is when the engines warmed up) then works for about 10 secs then dies. anyone got any tips or is it a new carb? hope someone out there can help. cheers. p

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I don't know if this is your problem but I had an issue with a variable idle on a 90's Fantic. On that one, the slide was actually worn from vibrating around in the carb body. It was easy to see after pulling the slide up. For some reason it did not have any type of hard coating like most do. A new slide solved the issue.

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Sounds like a blocked jet to me, have you stripped & cleaned the carb completely? Ask Bill Pye at Frankfield Fantic what the base setting for the idle mixture screw should be.

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Wow, I'm very impressed with Bill Pye. He pointed me in the direction of the reed valve's. sure enough there was the tinyest of gaps where one of the valve's sat. bit of cleaning, turned it over and its working much better. I'm pretty sure there was some crap on the other valve so thats being cleaned after the weekend. He did say the valves are no longer available so it's been a bit of carefull work not to bugger them up. Still I can't recomend Bill enough. thanks to this site too. P

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