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Other Sports And Practicing


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I've been thinking a while about this one, and It's probably been mentioned before. Other sports have designated / purpose made practice areas, some are more easy to set up than others. eg

Darts - go to your local pub

Football - any patch of land except where council say no ball games

Cricket - as Football

Rugby - as Football

Tennis - most municipal parks have courts or sports clubs

Golf - Name me a town without a golf club or three

horse riding - any bridle path or road

Cycling - where ever the roads take you

Mountain biking - Any canal tow path, bridleway, footpath they care to use :thumbup:

Paint-balling - A wood (possibly similar needs to a trials venue?)

Motor sport is a little more difficult as specialist venue's need to be made, tracks or circuits etc but trials is different as sections change, and as you can ride over most obstacles / things dependent upon skill level you can make a section virtually anywhere.

The only three legal places I can think you practice and not be a member of a club is a Cowm leisure, Bumpy and Doncaster moto park. Which is great but more are needed I feel. The question is how difficult is it have a piece of land designated for the purpose of motorcycle sport. Has anyone considered building an indoor venue? (something less daunting than the world indoor perhaps)

Now it seems to me any spare patch of land is being converted to either housing or a golf course. I'm sure many of us have in the past have said "I wish I could afford my own patch of land and I would ........etc etc".

Or is just me?

Spleen vented.... I'll get my coat :thumbup:

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^ As ^above, but it would have to be right out side my house so I could go there every day.

I'm lazy you see.


Not being funny like but if I won the lottery (more than the tenner I won on Wednesday :thumbup: ) but there could easily be living arangements organised to make the indoor arena central(ish) if not a little South to get the lads going :D

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