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i have an tlr 200 and i wonder if there is a big diference whit the tlr 250. I know that the 250 has bigger bore and stroke and that the gears are a bit shorter (any diference whit the rtl 250 engine?) but is there any diference in the frame or forks? and is the 250 really a better bike to drive? (i drive twinshock trials whit the 200, planning to do the expert route next year maybe on a 250 if they are better and i can find one)

regards bob

sorry for my English but i am not used to write in English

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200 compared to 250

200 has less fork travel, (and depending on model 33mm forks compared to 35mm on 250)

Shorter rear shocks, slightly different swinging arm - less shock travel(easy mod to convert - its only a tensioner mount)

Wheel hubs are smaller, rear wheel has cush drive

'Normal' 200 has alloy rims, reflex has steel rims

tank is fatter/bigger Seat is padded and side panels are not one piece with seat

Motor in 250 is as you say bigger bore / stroke and overall gear ratios are slightly different (if my memory is correct)

Otherwise not much different!

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So if i mount a 250 engine in a 200 frame (have 35mm front forks and longer rearshocks 41cm falcons) and put one of those fancy tank seat combinations i have a pretty and competitive trials machine ? my 200 is a fine bike but it lacks power and torque or whould id be wiser to look for an complete tlr 250?

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  • 2 weeks later...

have 35mm front forks and longer rearshocks 41cm falcons

TLR250 forks are different - more travel, I noticed this when rebuilding a set of 200 and 250 forks at same time.

With your 410mm shocks does the chain tensioner mount not hit the bottom of the frame?

this happens when you fit a 200 swinging arm to a 250 frame - the tensioner bracket is slightly different(nothing 5 minutes with a grinder and welder wont cure)

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