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4 Days Trial Of Creuse Weather?


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what is the weather like in sardent ? is it going to rain for the trial?

Can't be any wetter than the UK can it? I'm sure you will have a good time.

Don't want put a big dampener on things but I've looked at the 10 day forcast for Limoges and it's forcast rain. I am competing in this trial for the first time since 1991 and let me tell you I had previously ridden a very wet SSDT in 1990 and thought right I'm off to do the French 4 day where the weathers hot and the conditions are dry. I was sat on my bike on the first day waiting to start and it was wanging it down with rain. I was thinking why did I come here when I could have ridden the Scottish again and gotten wet, but after a couple of hours it stopped and from then on it was glorious sunshine all week. I can only remember that this was a great trial with propper rules (u can stop) and the organisers are friendly (there for the sport) and this year there are lots of Brits there so I'm sure no matter what happens it will be a great week.

Just like in the UK the weather people make "BIG" mistakes so maybe it'll be the complete opposite of the forecast.

Let's hope so.........See you all next week.

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Riding this trial for the first time this year, and I too was hoping for dry dusty days/sections rather than the rain fest that we have been having recently!

Looks like I will need the waterproof after all.

Munch, I assume that the Dabster is not competing this year?

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Hey guys,

I live in the creuse, 20 mins from sardent and all its done is rained since 'summer' started!!! we have been having the odd few days of sunshine but im not going to get my hopes up for the sun! I'm definatly gonna be taking my waterproofs for my observing duties :wub: Cant wait to see you all there!

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