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To Many Concerned Citizens?


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Is it the case though that no one fear intervene in case they get stabbed or injured in some way. Or another possibility could be with the way the law is at the moment, if you are the burglar, you seem to have more protection under the law than the victim :wub:

I remember reading sometime ago an incident in NYC whereby some person got stabbed and was dieing and a doctor who was nearby, went to assist. He had no instruments or any other medical dressings etc on himself but tried to assist as best possible. The person was hemorrhaging blood quite severely and someone offered their shirt as a wound dressing of which he used. He successfully stopped the loss of blood but it took a bit of time. The medics arrived and took him to hospital. He eventually died whilst on the way to the hospital due to too much blood loss.

Now, after the event. The doctor who went to assist was successfully sued for causing the death by not administering the 'bandage' fast enough and correctly. :thumbup: . Is it hardly surprising no one bothers anymore... :wub: .....Unless you're a Glaswegian airport worker of course then its nae bother :o

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Just how much are you willing to risk for a pushbike that belongs to someone else? Good question!

Even a fireman once told me their motto, little loss= little risk, they do not care if the building burns, it can be replaced!

Doctors are always having to be hesitant, let Anything go wrong and they will be the first to be sued, only ones with money and insurance! Makes no difference right or wrong! All a bloodletting by the legals! Like a bunch of vultures!

Don't worry, they won't bother if you are poor like the rest of us! :thumbup:

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