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Class Upgrade


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hello there,

I was just wondering how you get upgraded from novice to inter? I had a look in the hand book and the way I read it, it says either you or your club need to write to the acu and request an upgrade. Is this right, or is it decided from results or somethin????

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theoretically your centre will have a trials recorder who gets sent all trials results. If i recall correctly the procedure is that you have to win so many (3?) novice awards to made up to enter.

unlike MX there is no national grading scheme so it may vary from locality to locality and the standards and classes also vary

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it is decided on results from your local centre trials you have to finish in the top (dont know the figure) percent of riders a number of times through the season to be moved up to inter then same again to move up to expert. it,s quite difficult to do, anyone who gets to inter never mind expert is a good rider.

sorry rabie just re-read the post and I more or less repeated what you have already said, just trying to help.

Edited by ausy300pro
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In more organised centres there will be a recorder, and he'll let you know when you qualify - If you want to upgrade yourself in a lot of centres, you just ride the next class up, and consider yourself upgraded. You won't be allowed to downgrade yourself later on. All centres can be different though.

Example here of the rules for Cheshire and North Wales Centre

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