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Stuck At Home This Weekend

the addict

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Was going to meet up with GIZZA5,Atomant,The Legend and Neil Jones over at the Yennards tomorrow for a ride but the floods have made it impossible for me to get out easily :lol: went to work this morning at 9.00 and the road was pretty high then into the Mill, picked some timber up and left 15 minutes later but the water had risen so much I nearly had to leave the Van there.

Got some pics of the Mill entrance and exit below along with one of the houses there which i used to live in 8 years ago, the water level has risen at least 7 foot from this time yesterday and about 4 foot of it in the past 5 hours. My wife left to go shopping this morning in nearby Witney and it took her a 50 odd mile detor and three hours to get back home with the water levels still rising. Luckily we are on a hill so the water will have to rise about 80 foot before it floods us but my heart goes out to the thousands of people flooded out today. Couple of mates have at least 2 foot in the downstairs and looks like I will be helping bale out tomorrow rather than on me bike. Nearby Charlbury has had both its bridges washed away and the main bridge into witney is on its way so the news says.

Sorry Gizza, looking like I will be a no show tomorrow mate, water is at least 4 foot high across the road out of here.

Pic below is from the railway bridge looking along the road out of the village, the wall on the right is at least 4 foot high and the entrance to the mill must be under 5 foot of water now. I drove along here this morning when it was about a foot high or so.

Edited by The Addict
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Looks like TX! No joke!

Just read a local headline where a train was stuck down south! Noone could get to them for hours due to the high water.

After raining here for a month solid, we have had a break(in the north) this week with only scattered showers.

Got my fill of it when the daughters car got flooded in the access next to the house, required a total strip out and cleaning with water about ankle deep in'er!

Yea, you need to help out !

Keep safe! :lol:

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