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Harry Potter


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So the books was launched today to save you buying it I will cut it short

Well ...After standing in the rain since early morning outside a Coventry leading bookstore 'pulp fiction', I picked up my copy of the latest Jakie Rowling, and started reading........................

Anyhoo, in a castle outside Glasgow a bloke called Hagrid ''Moffat'' caught Harry-ishy Potter abusing himself in the left-hand toilet cubicle with one of the recently confiscated wands . He gives him a choice. "Well, me young wizard, You either agree to get back on the quiddich team for our match against the Broomstick Rovers, or I let it be known to the millions of young nubile girlies in your fan club that you actually had a copy of The YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE, and you had it open at a dusty photo of ''Lia Sanz".

Just at that, in stormed young Hermione ''Jenkins''. "Im pregnant" she shouted. " and since I have been sh***ed by every one in the school, Im don't know who's it is. But I suspect its yours Dumbledoor because you were the one who said you were wearing an invisible condom. I was a fool to fall for that one".

A knock on the door interupted her tantrum. "Enter", bellowed Hagrid.

Through the door walked Ron-Kinnel, the nice ginger haired kid, who had been a wee bit quiet for the past few weeks. " Well .. what do you want and how the hell did you find your way here!!!, cant you see we are busy". shouted Dumbledoor.

Ron spoke quietly. "Recently, I have become dissillusioned with wizards and wizardry and after reading several books on the subject, I have converted to Islam. I have wrapped my entire body in a sticky layer of chipatti flour and peroxide and I am about to blow myself up and kill the lot of you".

" Not if I can do anything about it" Harry said, reaching for the wand lying on the table. He pointed it at Rons head and muttered a spell which was meant to render the young lad unconcious.

Unfortunately the end of the wand was snapped and the sparks which were destined for Rons head were diverted onto the explosive dough.

For a second everything was deathly silent. Ron smiled at Harry. "you promised me loads of virgins Harry if I converted to Islam and took my life" he said with a smile, Harry replied ''Yes Ron, but there arn't any virgins in Glasgow''

............................they were all blown to bits.

.............................. THE END............................................... ...........

So taht has saved you buying the book :lol:

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