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Week 25 - Wonderful Weekend, Luv The Lads


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This column was written VERY late on Sunday night, I was knackered and now, reading it through on Monday morning not only have I spotted a number of typing/grammatical errors, I also realse I have not mentioned what I intended to say in the first place!

Whilst the Reeth was a real cracker of a trial for me personally and certainly everybody I spoke to, the best part of the weekend was the company we were able to keep. Inevitably, as you ride a major trial such as this, you mix with a large number of other riders and as such are able to enjoy a real social occasion. Fortunately, around my number there were some great guys and to you one and all, thanks for a very enjoyable three days.

Also thanks for assisting me up some horrendous ditches and slots out of deep gullies, for Reeth had some TOUGH between section terrain this year, terrain that was more difficult than in the past. But we did it and here, at my keyboard on Monday morning, all is well, the results look to have found the correct and very well deserved winners and whether you were first or close to the bottom of the list, it matters not one jot, for you were out there doing it. So well done to all concerned and consider this as a supplement to my original words.

Now don't forget (as if you could) Hawkstone is on this weekend. There's only one message to convey.

Be there!!

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I spotted a number of typing/grammatical errors

"Wonderful Weekend, Luv The Lads"


"Wonderful Weekend. Luv, The Lads"

Might have been a bit less gay


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The only real criticism I have is that the club employs from what I understand to be an arbitrary system of who they "think" qualifies as a clubman.

Specifically I understand that Richard Allen was "excluded" from the clubman results.

Perhaps someone could explain the cirteria used for this?

The riding was fine, I was unlucky to end up riding 32 sections on Saturday, but that was bad luck I guess.

The easing of the sections for the Sunday was a stroke of genius, and the weather helped aswell.

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As far as I am aware there is no real definition of Clubman. There comes a time when an expert deems it prudent to move down a level and I can see that Richard Allen has reached that point.

I guess it started at the Wainwright; Rich is a good guy and has always been a tidy trials rider, but from what I saw, at the Wainwright he was out of his depth in many sections and there comes a point in everyone's life when you have to weigh up the risks against the rewards. Like most of us, he has to work on Monday and the risk on the expert course is now too great when your ability is marginal when compared to the severity of the sections.

That's the reason he moved down (I guess, though we haven't spoken about it) and it's the reason other very good riders choose to ride the Clubman route rather than the expert course. Should we be bothered? No, I don't think so, at the end of the day it's a sport with no reward other than satisfaction. All that happens as riders move down is that those battling for 50th place end up battling for 65th place and those battling for 100th end up hoping to stay out of the bottom ten.

The only concern from those in the 50th to 100th places is that the Clubman course doesn't become too hard to satisfy the struggling experts who have moved down. It's very easy to up the severity just a touch to take marks off the good riders in the clubman class when consideration must be given to those at the bottom level. Remember, when you are a clubman, there is nowhere else to go except lower down the results!

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Thats pretty much it i think.i think the club are being unfair because they know who Richard is, surely his credentials/age are only a little better than Nick Shields so why the discrepency.

In my opinion unless you are a WTC winner then when you get over 40 why not?

Guess that rules out Dave Thorpe for next year on the clubman course then........

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Thats pretty much it i think.i think the club are being unfair because they know who Richard is, surely his credentials/age are only a little better than Nick Shields so why the discrepency.

In my opinion unless you are a WTC winner then when you get over 40 why not?

Guess that rules out Dave Thorpe for next year on the clubman course then........

Perhaps riders dropping down a level should have to ride on a no award basis for a year or so?

Hillary has it spot on regading the worry of the clubman route being tailored to suit the ex-expert. The Clubman route at the 3 Day was sensible, unfortunately Saturdays rain spoilt a lot of the river sections, but not the day.

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Having had to rescue Rich on Saturday from floundering under his bike in a relatively flat but deep river, I thought he was starting to fit in with the rest of us on the 'nobbers' route quite well :rolleyes:

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Thats pretty much it i think.i think the club are being unfair because they know who Richard is, surely his credentials/age are only a little better than Nick Shields so why the discrepency.

In my opinion unless you are a WTC winner then when you get over 40 why not?

Guess that rules out Dave Thorpe for next year on the clubman course then........

Perhaps riders dropping down a level should have to ride on a no award basis for a year or so?

Hillary has it spot on regading the worry of the clubman route being tailored to suit the ex-expert. The Clubman route at the 3 Day was sensible, unfortunately Saturdays rain spoilt a lot of the river sections, but not the day.

A sound suggestion but just put it in the rules somewhere.

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but what rules, since grading isn't addressed by the ACU nationally ? You then do it on a centre basis (fine for centre trials) or put it in the supplementary regs (which no one reads and will lead to nationwide inconsistency)

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