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Novagar Boots


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I think im about to buy a gasser after 6 years of Beta and if i buy an 07 can get a pick of several items from gas gas uk. My current sidis are shot to s**t so im thinking novagar as they are a freebee option. And is the gasser ok as the Beta was a real pain in the ass with the carb and seemed to get crap in it regardless of me once a ride clean air filter.

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I got rid of a Gas Gas and bought a 270 Beta about 3 months ago, personally I wouldn't go back to a Gasser if you paid me. The Beta grips for fun and goes where you point it. The front end of my gasser would bounce me everywhere in rocky streams etc, the lively handling is not always a good thing. I can feel the weight difference but it doesn't seem to affect my riding, I have had some trouble with the carb' but seems to be sorted quite easily. The biggest differences for me are that my airbox doesn't fill with mud at every trial anymore, the only thing I find in there now is the odd small leaf, and that if I do have any problems with the bike they are a pleasure to fix because everything is engineered rather than stuck together, so comes off and goes back properly without threading or rounding off.

Ive also had Novogars but have just got sidis and they are 10 times better, no coming un-done and they feel twice as thick and protective, that does take some getting used to though.

Edited by DougieLampshade
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