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Foot And Mouth

nigel dabster

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Yip, just heard the news on Radio 2 five minutes ago.

I hate to say this but, if it's confirmed you can bet we won't see much more motorcycle off road sport this year if it all kicks off again!

Big John

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That sounds pretty bad, lets hope it only an isolated case, I wasnt riding in 01 so dont know how bad things got Trials wise, expect nearly every event was cancelled though. Keep your fingers crossed for the farmers and bike sport in general

Edited by The Addict
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Hi Guys.

Yes its true, but don't panic , we can allways make contingentsey,plans and try and rearange trials into suitable areas. showgrounds etc.

But the best thing to help is to stay off of all farm land from NOW.

And then we can't be blamed for spreading the disease, and the sooner it's brought under control the better. I'am sure DEFRA will say the same.

And think what jobs we can do that we have been putting off for ages.

Regards Charlie.

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Woah guys. Before we start doing the old "The sky's falling" in bit and spreading panic and rumour around the Trials world, can we just take a step back from this.

This is a confirmed case, but it is, at present, isolated. There is currently no reason to think it is widespread and unless and until we hear otherwise from DEFRA there is no reason for concern unless you Trial in the immediate vicinity of the outbreak.

Restrictions on the movement of livestock are common in these cases as a precautionary measure. It does not automatically mean a repeat of 2001. Bear that in mind before posting scaremongering comments on these forums.

I'll delete anything I see which blows what is currently an isolated incident out of proportion until we hear otherwise.

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I did actually view your post Billy, don't worry it wasn't personal as Andy deleted one of mine as well, which was factual and not in my opinion one to cause panic or alarm!

Big John

(I'll watch with interest if this one is also deleted!) :D

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is that why my post keeps disappering? i'm only talking about how the first case happened and why how another incident occuers!!

This is a Trials website and not a place for the discussion of bovine political views, so yes. That's why it keeps disappearing.

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is that why my post keeps disappering? i'm only talking about how the first case happened and why how another incident occuers!!

This is a Trials website and not a place for the discussion of bovine political views, so yes. That's why it keeps disappearing.

So why was mine deleted? I certainly wasn't expressing a political viewpoint, I never try to do so!

Big John

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So why was mine deleted? I certainly wasn't expressing a political viewpoint, I never try to do so!

Oh! I forgot...journalism doesn't always convey factual stuff does it?

It was blowing out of proportion what is, at present, an isolated case and fell into "The sky's falling in" category. I also deleted an earlier reply of yours for the same reason.

There is NOTHING, right now, to be concerned about in terms of Trials unless you live within the immediate vicinity of the affected farm. No events are threatened, the sport isn't threatened and there's nothing at all to be worried about until and unless we hear otherwise. Naturally people are concerned bearing in mind 2001, but until there is firm news there is no point in speculation.

Tell me what's not factual about that?l :D

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I should add, I'm not doing this for the sake of curtailing free speech. I have a number of people who support this website financially who make their living through Trials. The last thing they need is any kind of wildfire spreading of rumour and speculation that Trials is going to be hit by this and Trials are going to be stopped etc when currently it is absolutely unproven, unfounded and unknown.

I've found out only too well how the Trials rumour mill and jungle drums work and I don't see any speculation or rumour on this subject as being productive for anyone.

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