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West Coast Youth National


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hensley Posted Today, 04:54 AM

Im wondering if there are any results. I never found any last year am i looking at the wrong place.

I don't think the results ever got posted anywhere.

Unfortunelly again the event was small. Having the national with it seemed to not help as a bunch of the kids didn't ride it or only rode the first day to "save their energy for the national". This seemed to not help them as the two top riders in the JR class on Sat. rode all of the event and where the top two riders in the 13&under class for the Youth event.

Compared to Tennessee the sections seemed tougher for all the classes. It also had a real loop for all but the 4 line riders. It was pretty rugged with no place to rest. The little 50's would of had a real tough time, but all the kids that rode did just fine.

Trying to squeeze it in between the Donner national and the New Mexico national was tough. Because of this round #1 was on Thursday and rounds #2 & #3 on Friday. Basically Friday they did six loops with the same sections. First three round #2 and the last three round #3. It's hard enough to keep an 8 year olds attention span for three loops so six was real tough, especially in the high altitude and a warm day. My son lost it in the middle of the trial just thinking he was already tired yet only half way through, fortunately he got his second wind and came back strong.

For the results I will go off my memory and pictures

15 & under-0 Line


On the first day Eric Storz 1st, Karl Davis Jr. 2nd, Chad Redmond 3rd, Ian Delaney 4th.

For the second day Eric and Ian didn't ride. Karl beat out Chad for the top youth class award.

13 & under


Bo Ibsen & Ryan Sandoval once again battled it out for the win. Bo won 2 of the rounds (can't remember which) and Ryan won the other round. Chase Harker was third in round 1 and didn't ride the second day. Sorry I can't remember the other two boys names or how they did.

11 & under-2 line


There was only one rider in this class. Unfortunately I can't remember this girls name. I think she was from New Mexico? I did see her ride and she rode really well and would have been right at the top of the women's #2 line in Tennessee.

9 & under-3 line


Obviously the class I was most involved with since my son Ty was in it. The bad thing was there was only two riders in the class. The good thing is that the other rider Alex Tucker (Bailey Tucker's little brother) rides at the same level as Ty, so as with the Tennessee national the competition was good. On day one they both had an excellent day. Ty again started this national with a clean first day which he had to do as Alex only dropped one point. For the second day we asked to toughen up the sections, not wanting to make it tougher for the other none champ 3 line riders they decided to have them ride half of the two lines. This worked out great for both the riders. For round two Alex rode well and Ty had one bad loop giving Alex the win. For round three Alex had one bad loop and Ty rode well including a clean last loop (it only took him six tries) to take the win and the overall for the class.

Unfortunately no 7 & under riders.

I don't know what needs to be done to bring more riders out. For us Texas is half way to Tennessee, yet no Texas riders. This is one of the best trials areas there is, I just wish more kids would come enjoy it.

Edited by sirhc
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Some pictures of the terrain and area. Pictures of my kid, but you get the idea.


Section 5 over looking Donner Lake


The Valley with lots of trials areas


Even tree sections

There is also big granite slab walls that the world rounds used. They decided to keep the kids off of those.

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thanks chris thats more redults than years past. Reckon the fact that the event isnt important enough to post results might be part of the reason its not well attended for us and i guess the texas riders its 1600-1700 miles i know that not as many miles as calif to tenn. but still hard to afford

I find it strange several good riders didnt ride the 2nd day. was that to rest for the nationals the junior line which is real simiular to 13 yr old class is so competitive 1 kid might win one day finish 7th the next.

Edited by hensley
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I don't know what needs to be done to bring more riders out. For us Texas is half way to Tennessee, yet no Texas riders. This is one of the best trials areas there is, I just wish more kids would come enjoy

What is wrong with the trials training center. I think its great that a youth trial is being held in california. but to take 1/2 of the ama recoginition away from the ttc event for an event that had 12 riders the first day 9 the second is located 3000 miles away for some riders and in years past and maybee this year doesnt post results. the schedule changed 3 times. first on monday tues wed then thurs fri monday then thur fri.

Why would texas riders make the trip when they could have there own trial in Texas with more riders (13 attened the tn event)and they would not have to take anything away from the tennesee youth nationals.

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There was more riders than that, it's just all that was in the "champ" classes. As with Tennessee there where other classes for older kids that found their age group line too challenging.

I also don't want to take anything away from the TTC Youth National. Obviously I think the camp, event, & TTC are awesome or I wouldn't drive 2,200 miles to get there. In fact I think it is our most fun week of the year! Think about this though, what about the west coasters that are like you and can't make the trip? Shouldn't they have the same opportunity that you do? It only seems fair to do an East and a West.

I will admit, if I lived in the middle and could only go to one it would be the TTC. The camp is great and the hole family has fun and yes it is more prestigious.

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I also don't want to take anything away from the TTC Youth National. Obviously I think the camp, event, & TTC are awesome or I wouldn't drive 2,200 miles to get there. In fact I think it is our most fun week of the year! Think about this though, what about the west coasters that are like you and can't make the trip? Shouldn't they have the same opportunity that you do? It only seems fair to do an East and a West.

Chris Dont get me wrong i think its great California has a youth trial If Texas had one i would go to it. The only part that im against is getting the ama to recognize it as a national event. Josiah Mizell will be co winner with one of 2 riders who rode the last day in california.p I still dont understand why those in the running the last day chose not to ride. Population wise tennesee is the middle of the country so its kinda like Central and far west. On a positive note i am sue glad youth from California make the trip to Tewnnesee each year without them it would not be the same. My hat is off to both California and Texas youth groups if each state/club could put forth just half the effort of these to groups just think of what it would do for youth trials and trials in general down the road.

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