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"Ray P. cannot sandbag forever!"

I don't think Ray is sandbagging at all. What is he supposed to do? quit the sport? He is an adult and has a job. Is he supposed to risk his life and limb on the Pro obstacles just because people think he is sandbagging? If he went into one of the age bracket classes, he would win that too. He is a great rider that for whatever reason doesn't want to ride the Pro class. I don't blame him. Not that he is too old or capable, but is the reward worth the risk for him? He would be the only one to answer that question and I think he already has by riding the expert class.

Yea, I know what you mean Fill, I have all those same problems. I'm just waiting for the NATC to open up that SR Novice class so I don't have to put up with them pesky kids kicking my butt all the time!!

No, really, I am glad to see Ray have some competition in the EX class. With Travis out and Will moving up, there was a void. Lots of good competition in the EX ranks, but can't hang with the old man, at what, 33 or so?

Bailey is young, what maybe 16 or so? You got other young ones like Mizell in that class. Then you got Colton who wants to just jump to pro class? Many of which would do well to hang in EX for a while, like Will, and take a few lessons from the "old man".

Ray got what he wanted, a class championship! For the most part, he could do it again on a 125 and the results would not be much different! ;)

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Just got home from the New Mexico nats so it's my turn to chime in, great event and weather ! My understanding of the expert class is it's a steping stone for those moving up and a place for pro's to move down who still want to compete. So no sand bagging on Ray's part, it is a great opportunity for the kids to learn from him.

Congrats to Patrick.

Thanks for the noticing Cope, Ron Commo got us springs for the CV's. Thanks Ron !

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I find it very interesting reading comments about Ray sandbagging. Think about it though. Here's a guy who has been competing at a high level for a longtime. What better way for up and coming rider's to learn about winning than to have to beat a guy who has known for years how to ride. I say hats off to him and you should all give him cudo's for sticking with it for so long and giving back to the sport. In my opinion, the greatest contribution any great rider can give back to the sport is hang around long enough to make all the up and comer's learn from him!

Congrats Ray on another title well earned!

Cheers, Steve

Edited by Steve Fracy
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Ray got what he wanted, a class championship! For the most part, he could do it again on a 125 and the results would not be much different!

That might be oversstating it

Tucker wasnt able to ride all events he and ray were only in 3 events together they tied once (ray winning on cleans,) The other 2 they split. Unless sevceral good young riders jump all the way to pro class sandbagging wont be an issue next year

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