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Yamaha Ring Free....


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Ok so I was reading the owners manual for my 9.9 yamaha outboard and they suggested using Yamaha Brand Ring Free. Apparently i cleans up the ring grooves of 2 strokes very nicely. 2 strokes as most of you know carbon up pretty easily and since they run at low speeds in the ring groove. Have any of you in the trials world used anything like this?

It seems to shock the system but is their a price fo using outside of a marine enviroment? Hmmmm


And its expensive too.... But if its less evasive then pulling off a jug and giving it a new set of rings it might be a thought.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Biff,

I've never heard of the "Ring Free" stuff before. No doubt it may well work, but then usually an outboard motor is revved/worked pretty hard and may respond better to this additive than a trials motor. In my experience, I never really had any ring sticking/gumming up problems except for the older Villiers motors that were old and worn out anyway and used next to no good 2 stroke oil from the garage. (Times were hard then)

For all my 2 strokes, I run 50:1 fuel/oil with Pennzoil mineral 2T outboard oil, always runs fine, smokes a little and doesn't gum anything up.

Yeah, I agree, bit of a grammar slip!

Bye, PeterB.

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Ring free works in two cycle and four cycle engines. It will also clean out the exhaust. Be aware the exhaust will get VERY HOT while the carbon is burning out.

This product was developed by Chevron, I believe their name is Techrilene.

I would not use more than 1/2 an ounce per gallon in a trials bike. 2 ounces is what is recomended for treatment. I know of street bike exhausts that have burned out internal baffles at that mixture. So..... aluminum muffler with supply of oil in fiberglas packing.......cherynoble!

It works really well. But be careful what you wish for!

Edited by paul_thistle
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