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Suspension Set Up


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At the moment I have a 2002 250 txt pro it has been a reliable bike, but has also always felt like a bit of a handful I have tried a head spacer with no noticable difference. A friend of mine has a 2003 bike of the same model, his is stock except for the 280cc head, which gives it more bottom end torque and softer power. I recently had a go on his bike and noticed how much more plush the suspension was and how much less it seemed to kick back when going over lumps. Since then I have tried turning the adjusters on the top of the front forks they seem to make very little change to the overall ride, not to be put off I now want to try adjusting the rear shock. As this will involve taking the airbox/seat off, I would like to get it as close to right as I can in as few attempts as possible. Please could someone explain the basics of suspension set up, as in which way to turn the adjusters to get what result.


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Hi samix,

suspension is one of those subjects that could cause many a heated debate, perhaps thats why nobody has replied yet ? When I got my new 280 a couple of months ago the difference in the bounce department between it and my 2002 model was amazing. Why ? Just like ourselves suspension gets tired the more work it does. Perhaps your mates bike hasn't had as much abuse as your own bike? Replacing rear shocks and front fork internals is a pricey affair so your options are limited.

A good service of all components front and rear will certainly be a good starting point. Setting up your rebound and damping is dependant on many factors, your weight / riding style etc. If the adjusters don't seem to be making any difference then I would suspect there's something wrong with them. The difference between screwed right in and right out should be VERY noticeable.

There are many variables when it comes to suspension, too many for my poor typing skills to deal with here. All I can suggest is keep fiddling until you find what's right for YOU. By all means try copying all the settings on your mates bike but I could almost gaurantee it still wont be the same.

This probably hasn't helped you in the slightest, maybe it has ? It's certainly helped me though, I'm now up to more than 4 words a minute on the keyboard !

Happy bouncing.

GJ :-)

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