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Exhaust Valve Cable?


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Does a 95 fantic section have an exhaust valve controlled by a cable? I was riding today and looked down and saw a cable hanging down that had gotten pulled out. One end goes in by the exhaust side of the cylinder and the other end goes onto a lever inside a little box just above the water pump. Is this for an exhaust valve? Is it bad to ride with it not working because I have no idea how long it was broke before I noticed it. Everything was still working fine and seemed to be running right....now that I think about it though, I did think my exhaust was sounded different half way through my ride. It seemed like at times it was more of a "sharp-crisp popping" rather than the usual deep-toned popping. Any thoughts appreciated


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Hi its the cable for the power valve, no harm to run the bike without it mine was off for six months untill i eventually got round to replacing it. To be honest i couldnt really tell that much difference fitted or not

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