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Ive just been for a ride round an old quarry and after 1/2 an hour I noticed a rattle.

I stopped the engine and started looking for something loose. to my surprise I found that its coming from something metal rattling about in the front part of the exhaust. I can hear it when I knock on it or bang it with my hand. The bike still runs fine and sounds the same.

I thought that expansion chambers were empty!!

So, has anyone got any idea what I will find when I take it apart? What could it be???

Im confused. (it doesn't take much)


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Easiest advice on this is take it off and investigate before running the engine any more! If you still can't figure it out when you have it off and retreived the part that was rattling take a picture of it and post on here

Hi again.

I took the exhaust off and couldn't see what it was so i cut a section out of the back about 5 inches by 3. I found that inside there is a peice of baffle material (shaped like the inside of the expansion chamber) and one side of it had come free and started rattling about so there had been no danger to the engine.

Anyway at least its sorted and i'll weld the patch back in tomorow.



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